Potpourri Pan America: Headline news — Commonsense America and Glenn Beck vs the world of the nonsensical?, and more


[Photo from the Washington Post]  Were there only one thousand there? Huh? 



1.  Wait just a minute, why don’t we?! — a certain portion of the news media labeled it “the Beck Rally” and the “Conservative Rally” or the ‘White Rally”…   Why the editorializing? And why the attempt to destroy Beck?

2.  It’s not about being a liberal or a conservative — for some politicians it’s just about putting “free” money in their pocket…  And what’s Rep.  Rangel doing lately?

3.   Kerry (Mass.)and Crist (Florida) have a lot in common — say anything to try to get elected.

4.  Network news in someone’s pocket? — does anyone doubt it?

5.  Blaming the “tea party” again — what’s up in San Antonio, again?!

6.  Obama — Let’s hope the troops did not die in vain…  Pres. Obama alters speech a bit to counter the Saturday rally?

Glenn Beck — Person of the Week…

[photo from Wikipedia]

Talking head competitors of Mr. Beck continually complain that all the man craves is personal publicity, and blast him for this and that and decry the publicity, influence and money he garners…

Regardless of the outcome Saturday, for this weekend and throughout the year drawing the attention of his friends, as well as that of his foes, he is selected the Person of the Week

It seems that some of Glenn Beck’s cable and network whining competitors  simply resent that he is audacious and has gained higher television ratings and financial earnings than they — within a much shorter time frame than theirs…

Just sayin’

Backdoor immigration amnesty – the rumors turn out to be facts

For months there have surfaced rumors that the Obama Administration is feverishly seeking to find ways to keep the Latino voting bloc in its corner for the November elections — from considering presidential pardons for illegal immigrants to suing the state of Arizona to investigating Sheriff Arpaio in Maricopa County, Arizona…

Now it comes out that the latest step is for I.C.E. to stop processing as many deportation cases as possible…

It’s all about keeping the voting blocs in place and working to assure the current Democratic majorities in Washington continue…  That’s the new politics, folks…

General Conway’s words are noteworthy, especially since he is soon retiring

[Gen. Conway photo from Wikipedia] James T. Conroy

The situations in Iraq and Afghanistan are still trying ones, especially because of the president’s scheduling of withdrawal dates  for American troops…  Increased bombing of civilian targets, as well as military ones, shows that the enemy is quite cognizant that the Americans will not long play a leading role in the  two countries and that the local troops are not ready yet to stand on their own… 

Marine General Conway’s recent comments purposefully bring attention to those spheres in a pointed way, and present an opportunity to repeat a post from July 16 that has a bearing on the topic…

July 16:

Considering the reported ongoing difficulties there, it seems from this vantage point that before too long President Obama is going to declare victory in Afghanistan, maybe sometime between the November Elections and next summer, when the first troops are scheduled to begin withdrawing from the country…

He is in a quandary, though, because he does not want the stigma of being the U.S. President who lost the Afghan War…  But when he initially set a deadline as to when to begin pulling troops out, and at the same time decided to go small in the deployment of needed troops while expanding the role of the military mission, he seemingly erred in a grand way, and that decision is squarely on his shoulders…

Given that the president has a tendency to avoid accepting responsibility, a long tendency to blame the previous administration for everything, it would be no surprise if his advisors have been at work from day one of his presidency drafting arguments on how best to blame President Bush for the Afghanistan failures of the Obama Administration…

Just sayin’…

Potpourri Pan America: headline news – better to practice the golf swing than religion… And more…


{From Wikipedia]

File:P christianity.svg

1.  Obama interested in “convincing” Americans he plays golf, not that he’s a practicing Christian — seems like it…

2.  Hugo Chavez’s Socialism not helpful to the poor — but facts don’t bother him…

3.  “Los Zetas” in Los Angeles! — but legalizing drugs will help?

4.  Does “this” have an effect on Democratic Party calculations? — seems like it…

5.  It’s worth reviewing — How are things in Venezuela, how are thing turning out??

6.  Even Paul has said unemployment might be higher in 2 years — but the president is not mentioned?


Person of the Week: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, left, executive director ...[AP photo]

For his participation in the proposed Islamic Center in New York City, as well as his being selected by the Obama Administration to be an emissary to the Islamic World — and thus being an attention lightening rod,  for better or worse?…

PanAm will not post today because of other commitments

Thank you.

Governor Paterson on the move for the “big mosque move”?

Will Governor Paterson fly in to save the day, or is it all puff?  And will that earn him a reprieve?

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news – Obama, Elvis is alive (in pics), Hamas, Governor Paterson, and more


[Photo from the “Mail on-line”]

Almost 3,000 people died on September 11, 2001, after Muslim hijackers flew two hijacked jetliners into the centre's Twin Towers

1.  Obama backtracks? /  Hamas and Obama say build baby build  ? — how about some sensibility, understanding and respect – lest we forget!..  And Governor Paterson is trying to be responsive, it seems?!

2.  No wonder no one is at the rudder — too many top priorities.

3.  O.K. folks, pay your higher taxes — in some weird thinking, the spin is that it’s Bush’s fault? !

4.  Cut Food Stamps for the First Lady’s pet project! — what’s going on?

5.  The border is volatile and takes a toll — ask the families of the dead Border Patrol guys.

6.  Machines are winning! — and, the government! Ray would say that..

7.  A no gender world?! — it’s a mad world we live in

8.  Government workers (teachers) vs the press — let’s see how it all turns out. Can the students read?

9.  America collapsing? — one man’s opinion, but stay alert.

10. A simpler life — Elvis, remember him?     — Come back, Elvis, where ever you are… Nice pictures

Person of the Week: Steven Slater

[Photo from Facebook]

Steven Slater:Steven Slater

Regardless of the circumstances preceding Cabin Attendant Slater‘s dramatic slide from the JetBlue aircraft, to him a plastic cup toast filled with a beverage of whatever is one’s choice (for him, a brewski), for doing it his way…   Now wait for the reality show, as well as the Sunday T.V. talking heads and newspaper columnists give their erudite analyses — including why the chicken crossed the road and what  Nietzche and Al Gore would say to us all about the meaning of the whole episode as it pertains to the world as we knew it pre Slater and post Slater… Prepare to take notes…

“Nuff said”… 

The “emperor” wears no clothes, and more people are noticing?

[Drawing from TheRealRevo.Com]

In 1837 as a part of Fairy Tales Told for Children, a short story entitled “The Emperor’s New Clothes” was published…  Of course most are familiar with the tale so only briefly paraphrasing it, it was about a ruler of long ago who was so consumed by his feelings of self-worth (because his minion ministers and gushing public around him played to his perception),  that at a certain point he was led to believe, or he convinced himself, that he was wearing the most beautiful clothes made of the finest weave — and that only the most astute and intelligent could see the clothes he was wearing for the ignorant and unworthy ones would be blind to them…  You get the point, especially if you are familiar with the old tale young and old alike have read… 

When the emperor in one of his final most deceptive acts marched before his subjects wearing not a stitch, while believing he was wearing the finest threads, most observers initially commented that the garments were oh, so luxurious,… and the ruler basked in the light of his own self-importance… 

But a child, after straining his neck to get a better look at the acclaimed national leader wearing his finest wardrobe, and rubbing his eyes clear to make sure he indeed was seeing what the others around were purporting to marvel at, finally blurted innocently that “the emperor ain’t got no clothes”, or something to that effect… And the emperor then and there realized the folly of his charade, but he continued his parade, with vigor…

When will President Obama’s moment of realization arrive, or has it already arrived though nonetheless he marches the country here and yonder, based on his ideology…

As written on this page on March 16, 2010, …”The president seems to see things as whatever he wishes they might be and then tries to convince people his perceptions of the present are actual reality, when  factually they often are simply his wishful thinking… “…  And many in the news media heretofore have enabled him to proceed in his quixotic journey…  But even from the left, more and more are saying they will march to the beat of the emperor’s drum no longer…

The “emperor” in tatters, or worse?

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news — from President Obama’s missing coattails, to the First Lady’s traveling, and much more


First Lady Michelle Obama

1.  Selling secrets to China pays — is anybody paying attention to South America and Asia?

2.  Hugo Chavez provides 30% inflation for Venezuela — another leftist messing up the economy.

3.  The First Lady’s junket to Spain did not get the desired positive reaction from the Latino news media — even the Spanish media powerhouse UNIVISION  runs critical stories about the costly trip… 

4.  Forces of Pres. Evo Morales of Bolivia will train civilian militias  — to keep himself in power through force, if needed.

5.  Mexico plans to sue BP and the U.S.A. — I thought we were on the same team.

6.  In Election year, Democrats trying to run and hide from what they have done in Congress — they are simply scared?…

7.  Weirder and weirder: Ex Pres. Fox want to surrender to the drug cartels — legalize street drugs and declare victory…  Sounds like some in the U.S.A.

8.  President Obama in Texas and state and local Democratic politicians run from him — nobody wants to hold on to his coattails

9.  Even Maureen Dowd was down on the First Lady — now that says something because she seems to think Democrats walk on water.

10.  Kudlow: Panic in the White House? — what now, circular firing squad?

Person of the Week: Michelle Obama

[Photo from Huffington Post]

Some say Michelle Obama is the 21st Century Jackie Kennedy, but by pampering herself and splurging at one of Europe’s playgrounds for the rich and famous, Marbella, Spain (while average Americans struggle to feed their children and pay their mortgages), she has shown she is stereotypically more like in-your-face 18th Century Marie Antoinette… 

And she apparently feels no remorse that the American taxpayer is footing the bill for a good portion of her expenses,… while she provides an economic stimulus, for Europe… “Let them eat torta“,  she seems to say (if they can afford it!)…

Stop the madness — it’s time to get off…

Just sayin’…

The Obama Administration leadership in Iraq and Afghanistan has been deficient?

[ Photo from Wikipedia]

It could be said that Tariq Aziz, former trusted lieutenant of the Saddam Hussein Iraqi government, is simply continuing the anti -American rhetoric of the departed strongman of many years past when among other charges he states that Obama is leaving Iraq to the wolves because of the policies put in place there when the president became America’s  governmental leader… 

But not so fast on the assumptions because many in this country also envisioned the many dangers that have been lurking ever since during the campaign when then candidate Obama made his future course of action in Iraq clear…  In this writer’s humble view the President Obama did a disservice to the American nation and to the government in place here then when publically he let the opposition know in Iraq and in Iran that combat operations in Iraq by the American military under him would come to an end on his schedule…

Bad judgment then and now.

The president seems to see things as whatever he wishes they might be and then tries to convince people his perceptions of the present are actual reality, when  factually they often are simply his wishful thinking… Troops continue to die, but meanwhile his military decisions seem to be based on  a hodge-podge series of ideas that have little or no sensible rationale other than his seeming desire to declare victory in Iraq and Afghanistan, and then proceed to convince people he won two wars… 

Bad perceptions, bad judgments, bad courses of action…

Iraq and Afghanistan could turn out to be America’s failures, failures because President Obama led the country to those failures… Regardless of the rationalization of some, The buck stops with him

Does the majority of the voting public understand what is happening and will it vote to send him a message in November?

Just sayin’…

Republicans to shoot themselves on the collective foot?

[AP Photo]

Mitch McConnell

Being involved with the idea of restricting citizenship even though someone is born in the U.S.A .  will likely hurt the Republicans…  Hel-lo-o-o-o!… Who is manning the rudder for that Party?.. .. They are surely in danger of snatching defeats from the jaws of possible victories….

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news — Maricopa County sheriff is singled out, Obama of Velcro, and more


Is Waters in hot water?

1.  Arizona: the Drug Cartels threaten the  Maricopa County sheriff?      — Is it really true or someone seeking publicity?

2.  The Soviet Union collapsed under economic pressure…  Cuba, too?    – Things seem to be changing a bit…

3.  A presidential pardon too poliically hot, so a “backdoor amnesty”?   — will it work?

4.  Obama not of Teflon but of Velcro?       —   Let’s  see how it plays out.

5.  Even the New York Times suggests the government stimulus was not one    —  and what else?

6.  Mexico and others gain UNESCO World Heritage status       —  some good news for Mexico.  The common folk deserve it…

7.  Drug cartels create problems — stop the madness, better to get off, but Americans keep buying…

 8. Where does the Gulf oil spill debris go?     —  into regular landfills in municipalities, its seems…

9.  Did Bill Clinton’s daughter marry?   — you mean you were not invited?

10.  Miller,dead at 99    — does anyone remember?

U.S. Officials: “War goals modest in Afghanistan”


However difficult it might be to contemplate, if anyone doubted it when more than one said it, here it is again, with saddened heart: because its foreign policy is and has been in disarray, the Obama Administration will likely lose the war in Afghanistan but declare victory — and those under its spell will march in parades to celebrate… 

Shameful… Many young and older men and women in the service of the country have been misled by these politicians, and the military men and women, and the nation, suffer the effects …

“It all seems to be a shell game being played on mostly unsuspecting decent citizens, and is another indication of why politicians are overall not trusted…   Again, the November elections will tell if the citizenry is paying attention and if they will be able to figure out under which shell the nut is, or if the nut isn’t under any shell — or, if everyone is being played for a nut…”