Sarkozy is tossed into the political “dustheap of history”

PanAm believes wholeheartedly that as a whole the Europeans are not as commonsensically savvy as the Americans, but nonetheless our  brethren across the pond were smart enough to vote out their fiscally irresponsible leaders… 

Come on, good people of the United States,  don’t dawdle — lickety-split get on the bandwagon and prepare to vote out rascal Obama and other like-minded politicians…

Poor duplicitous, sniveling Dan Rather, still hocking his “fake documents”

At the same time Danny boy Rather unconvincingly pleads on T.V. and newsprint that he is wiser and holds no animosity toward CBS and his critics, he continues peddling his “fake documents” story, absurdly in such a manner apparently trying to rewrite history…  

Little doubt from this perch that CBS NEWS “signed off” on the original news segment attacking George W. Bush’s military record, and that Dan Rather was jettisoned once the public outcry arose over the fake documents,  but undoubtedly Danny Boy Rather was the duplicitous  instigator of it all and no amount of bellyaching and of  “rewriting copy” will change that…


President Obama and Attorney General Holder undermine American values, traditions and laws

Under President Obama the Feds are undermining the U.S. Constitution and attempting to stifle any dissent against his doing so… True Americans stand up against such tyranny or future generations will never know what liberty and freedom was… Notice what they are doing to Sheriff Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona…

Military service by osmosis — Newt Gingrich says: I’m not a chickenhawk because my father fought in Vietnam. …?

Speaker Gingrich is articulate and possesses a high intellect,  but ought to be truthful with the American people by repeating the answer he gave some years back about why he did not enlist to serve in the military during the Vietnam Conflict — he said then something to the effect that he did not “go” because as one individual he would not have made a difference.(!) …  Come on, Newt,  ‘fess up. …  You did not serve in Vietnam  because you thought others whose lives were less valuable than yours ought go in your place.

Hiatus for PanAm

PanAm is on an extended trip and will therefore be on Hiatus…  If not before, will return in the early part of 2012…   Will keep up with my online “wordpress” posting friends… 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Person of the Week: Colin Powell, for being representative of people who don’t know when it’s time to “get off the stage”

Person of the Week, Colin Powell, for being one of those who wants so much to be relevant that he now seems, if not a buffoon, then at least a poor example of what he could be. …  His service during the Persian Conflict is appreciated and respected — but his service in the State Department (and thereafter) was a perfect example of those  pathetic ones who simply are more concerned with protecting and promoting their own image than looking after the wellbeing of the nation.

He makes it a point to blame the Tea Party for disunity in the nation?!  Give us a friggin’ freaking break, Mr. Powell — time to exit, … stage left, or right,  but exit. …

Atten – tion! Disorder in the World!

Yes , it seems the anarchists   are demoralizing populations near  and far. …  Who is “managing  ” things?  …

Why the “#@!*&;” are the “inmates” in control of so many American institutions?

Am I only one of  a relatively few who looks askance at the news media  reactions, as well as at the reactions of those who ostensibly are in charge of our American institutions, concerning protesters here and yonder?

A police officer douses with pepper spray some students who refuse to  obey lawful commands  and the press treats the incident as Auschwitz deja vu.  …  It is not unimaginable that before long someone will insist that the United Nations and the World Court take over the case of the U.C. Davis students v. the pepper spray. … 

And the ACLU too most assuredly will insist that the police officers receive capital punishment for their “dastardly deed” — and that the coddled University of California, Davis students have statues of their likenesses erected on campus . …  Books and T.V. appearances to follow. …  Anything else?! …

[Incidentally, as I recall, significant numbers of those in the news media were quite critical of  the peaceful, patriotic meetings of the “Tea Party Movement”, but now seem to glorify anything having to do with “Occupy this and that” gatherings.]

What role has the Obama Administration played in creating the current chaotic circumstances of North Africa/Middle East?

On this page as elsewhere for months it has been suggested sadly that the Obama Administration at best has misunderstood   and at worse, as well   , in like manner has misunderstood and  “mis-reacted” to the “Arab Spring” — and has almost   assuredly insured there would be  , as some have said, an “Arab Fall” (no personal pun intended).

From this perch it certainly appears that there have been failures  of significant proportions in presidential judgement, and consequently in American Policy.

Just sayin’. …

Person of the Week: MSNBC Chris Matthews

Yes, he of the tingle-up-his-leg exhilaration (or something like that) —  for reportedly expressing some negative candid comments about President Obama…  The “thrill is gone”? …  MSNBC and Chris, the mouthpieces of the president and all things Democratic, the enchantment is waning, or is he simply seeking more access to the president’s inner circle ear?  …

NEWS FLASH!!! A truly believable lady says Elvis lives on Catalina Island…

News at 11:oo.   Apparently until now she had not come forward with her story because all this years someone has been threatening her about not divulging the identity of the round man in sequins  with a penchant for pizza and peanut butter & banana sandwiches.  But  …  for the sake of historical authenticity and 15 minutes she has put her life in danger to come forward.

The woman says that on the night Elvis erroneously was reported to have died she was in a sailboat in the next room and for 15 minutes  heard him cry out  about wanting more food, but no one brought him any…  Noticing that Elvis was in dire need of comfort food she called the police department  once or twice about making a food run for the King,  but the police department was closed…

Just another Obama Campaign 2012 “photo op” decision?: token American troops to Australia

Yes, looks like it. …  For several years he ignored China’s expanding influence in several continents, but now to try to mollify criticism   during the current presidential campaign period, President Obama makes a gesture of being on top of the changing landscape in AsiaPacific — which  for so long he apparently failed to understand…  

Not very convincing.

Person of the Week: Ronald O. Perelman, political money to Obama earns big dividends?

Person of the Week, yes, Mr. Perelman, reportedly the controlling shareholder of New York based Siga Technologies, winds up making a ton of money seemingly because he has a direct line to the Obama Administration’s ear. … Using tax payer money, the Obama Administration rewards big Democratic donors while publicly railing against the fat cats?  …

 Hope and Change! …    Siga Technologies and Mr. Perelman probably hope that nothing will change and that the profitable dividends from political contributions will keep coming from the Obama cash cow.

How were they alike or unlike?: Coaches Abar Rouse, Baylor University (2003) and Mike McQueary, Penn State (2002)

I know, I know, folks, college football weekend has begun, and a desire to move on to more enjoyable endeavors is understandable, but this link provides common sensical insights into personal and societal negative issues in the world of sports (and in general) that might enlighten the unenlightened. …

 Why did two coaches  confronted by distinctive moral issues react differently, and how were they rewarded for the choices they each made? …

Joe Pa miscalculated: he ought to have retired as soon as the arrests were made

“Joe Pa”, the face of Penn State football for decades, in effect, seems to have chosen to overlook the vile acts reported to him way back about a trusted friend and former assistant, in order at the time (and beyond) to spare himself and the university some “bad publicity” — in his quest to become the winningest football coach, in this case he seemingly chose to put on moral “blinders” and abdicated his responsibilities as a decent human being. … He “covered up”, thus more innocent people were hurt, and rightly so was fired. …   For goodness sake, from the beginning he should have put the facts out and let the chips fall, wherever. …
Just sayin.



Cases of “she said, he said” — at times can help someone keep a job or get a promotion that is not deserved?

Certainly, there are real instances of various kinds of discrimination and harassment in the workplace and in life in general —  but not infrequently, bystanders can cite cases in places of work where some individuals or groups of individuals continually make unfounded complaints. …   And then, forevermore, employers and/or supervisors will keep or even promote the complainers out of fear that firing or not promoting the  incompetents will result in a lawsuit stating that they were fired or not promoted because it was retaliation for the original complaints.

PanAm, of course,  is not passing ultimate judgement on those who have made accusations against Herman Cain or regarding anyone who has ever filed a complaint in the workplace. …  

Just sayin’. …

Person of the Week: Jean Quan, Oakland, California mayor

Person of the week — Oakland mayor Jean Quan (symbolic of current California and national political “leadership”), whose roots as a liberal community activist  have shown again that such a political philosophy,  in large measure devoid of commonsense, does not help in solving urban problems but rather leads to a more fertile breeding ground for community decay and disfunctionality. …



Thank you, Governor Perry, for shooting the Republican Party on the proverbial foot?

It has been suggested on this page more than once that in the march to winning the presidential election 2012, in essence, the Republican Party has nothing to fear, but itself! …   Now, according to several sources, the latest shots to the proverbial Republican foot have come from within the Perry political camp. … 

PanAm likes Governor Perry, but being that he seems to be desperate because of his overall substandard debating performance on-stage alongside his competitors, are his people burning all bridges to civility and common sense by striking out viciously at his Party compatriots? … First they struck Mitt Romney on the religious issue —  now, reportedly they surreptitiously publicize accusations   against Herman Cain. . ..

If Governor Perry wins the Republican Party nomination, because his camp sought to win at all costs, he will have won the battle, but will likely lose  the war in November 2012 due to the disunity he hath wrought.   If someone else wins, that winner will be so wounded from the Perry shots that he will limp across the finish line in second place —  to Obama, of course.

Just sayin’

Person of the Week: Khaled bin Talal, Saudi Prince — sabotages American interests and safety

Of course it is all about family and self preservation, this prince from the “Royal Family” of Saudi Arabia reportedly  pledging millions for the capture of a single Israeli soldier so that he might be exchanged for Arab murderers and terrorists currently in prison for violent activities against Israel…  But these kinds of actions show why it is difficult for the average American to trust the Saudi leadership when clearly the people in charge over there have no compunction about spending some of the billions they make off Americans purchasing their oil, in order to undermine our interests and sabotage our safety so that they themselves can stay in power.

Conservatives: “Listen up”! Pat Robertson could be right

PanAm is not necessarily a big fan of evangelist Pat Robertson, but, as reported,  he is right about the Republican extremist conservative electorate often pushing the candidates too far to the right during their primary,  … which afterwards places the eventual winner in a predicament during the general election.

Perry and Romney, Romney and Perry?

As has been said here and elsewhere before,  the Republicans might have a “dynamic duo” for next year if they don’t knock each other off — they’re not individually going to satisfy every Republican’s wishes, but together could be formidable.

Person(s) of the Week: The Islamists

Yes, for better or for worse, the winners of the “Arab Spring” are the Islamists, bringing  to the countries in turmoil  a new governmental “order” , founded primarily  on Sharia Law… 

“Nuff said”.

Chinese ethnic American in California shamelessly “scams” his Chinese “compatriots”?


In a confusing scenario, David Li Chen from California seemingly conned  a group of Chinese educators from the Guangdong Province in China into believing the foreign educators owned a public high school in southern California — where the foreign contingent believed they were well on the way to starting an American charter school at the particular site.

Mr. Chen defended himself by saying it was simply a misunderstanding, … but reportedly he also made contradictory and inconsistent statements that seemed to leave the impression that he was not being honest about the whole embarrassing episode. …

In certain financial matters, whether  involving Chinese Americans or other ethnic Americans, it sometimes seems that  those who take the most advantage of any particular ethnic group in the United States of America, are themselves members of the same ethnic group.

Just sayin’.

The “Anti Zetas”: more of more violence in Mexico?

The Zetas is a criminal drug organization that began in Mexico and has had growing influence in the U.S.A.  

For a period of time, though, reportedly a vigilante anti Zeta group has evolved in Mexico and has become as ruthless as the Zetas seem to be.  It has been said that both organizations are made up of ex soldiers from the Mexican military. 

Will the anti Zetas succeed in bringing peace to Mexico — even though the Mexican military establishment has failed to do the same — or will the anti Zetas themselves add to the disfunctionality of Mexican society? …

Republican Party debates: debilitating “demolition derby” debacles or?

Ahhh, American politics at its best, or worse. …

In Nevada ,  yet another traveling circus venue for the Republican presidential contenders and pretenders– the pretenders merely “Don Quixotes”  swinging away at windmills. …   A few others  interested in tripping and ripping up the front-runners for the sake of pleasing esoteric Republican segments of the electorate, while still others serving solely as stalking horses for their compadres…  In the end — there will be an end, right? — will any Republican really win, or will the Democratic Party be the ultimate winner as a result of the Republican Party’s self-inflicted wounds?

Why did the Republican Party agree to this format of  “101” debates?

Persons of the Week: Dick Bott and David Lane, anti Mormon “Perry braintrust”?

PanAm likes Perry, and Romney, but the gun-toting Texas governor might figuratively shoot himself in the foot — and in the same vein undermine the Republican chances of regaining the White House by anyone — if some of his fundamentalist Christian backers persist in trying to win a few political skirmishes at all costs, while failing to understand that doing so only makes winning the ultimate price for anyone much more difficult, if not impossible . …  Publicly,  Governor Perry presents himself as a stand up guy, so it behooves that he be front-and-center about his actual role in the reported anti Mormon campaign against Mitt Romney.  No parsing words, nor quibbling and hiding because the opposition has and will find him in the dark .

Just sayin’

American troops in Uganda for the sake of American presidential politics?

PanAm is not an Isolationist, really, but an overextended American military ought not to become engaged    in yet another military conflict overseas, and especially not for the sake seemingly of American presidential election politics. …  The politically unsettling death and destruction in the Middle East and northern Africa still rages, and now more conflict?  …

What’s with the president’s need to apologize over yonder to whomever and for whatever?

Reportedly, according to leaks from Wikileaks that have not received much dissemination in the USA, …  on a visit to Japan early in his presidency President Obama wanted to apologize  in Nagazaki and Hiroshima for America having dropped Atomic  bombs there. (!?)

What’s with Obama continually apologizing here and yonder as if he is America’s Apologizer-in-Chief. 

Very strange.

Persons of the Week: Robert Jeffress and Bryan Fischer

Yes, Persons of the Week (2 peas in the proverbial pod) for being shortsighted — sowing discontent among Christians and Republicans and in that way attempting to pollute the process of American politics in general and the Republican primary procedures specifically. …  Not gonna happen, hopefully, but candidate Rick Perry needs to distance himself from their disruptively provincial and negatively simplistic expressions — because the Texas governor seems to be catering to their whims. … 

Attempting to undermine Romney, Jeffress says Mormons are cultists.  And Fischer   chimes in that Mormons are not Christians, and furthermore, he adds that Freedom of Religion in the U.S. Constitution does not apply to non Christian religions. … 


As has been suggested before here and elsewhere, and sorry that the need to say so arises again, some Republicans will not only shoot themselves on the foot, but selfishly and foolishly will shoot every Republican’s  foot, as well.

Just sayin’.

Verifying who the legal voters in a state are is not a good thing?

Texas’  state Senator Troy Fraser’s  “… bill requires voters to show a valid government-issued photo ID — such as a Texas driver’s license, Department of Public Safety identification card, state concealed handgun license, U.S. military ID or U.S. passport — to vote in elections.”.  …  It also apparently has other special provisions for some already on the rolls, for example those who are over the age of 65.

On the surface it looks like a good thing, so why not allow the state governments to verify who their legal voters are?

College Football Weekends are “heating up”

For all football aficionados, thank you for visiting this site, and as conference games flourish,  surely everyone is ready for more continuing rivalry games. …  Personally, will begin by watching the Longhorns-Sooners in the Red River Shootout( I mean Red River Rivalry), hoping for an upset. …

Marine Gen. James Jones, Jr., suggests U.S. at best muddled foreign affairs in the Middle East?

For the sake of the country, PanAm has always wished the best for President Obama, but has always been more than just simply uneasy about his stewardship of the nation’s future. …  Now, …  although from this perch Marine Gen. James Jones, Jr., was not held in high esteem while he was a senior advisor to the President, the same general makes honest observations of how the Obama Administration at best has undermined our relationships with traditional allies in the Middle East and mismanaged  the Middle East’s “Arab Spring” — a suggestion that has been made here and elsewhere about America’s handling of the changes occurring there. …

Our foreign policy in further shambles?

Hank Williams, Jr.’s theme song for Monday Night Football gets “booted” from the game?

Yup, reportedly was bounced, but PanAm points out that during the Bush years under similar circumstances the networks and studios remained mainly passive if celebrities compared  the then president to Hitler. … Wonder why. …

Just sayin’. …

Person of the Week: Roseanne Barr — behead “them”, she says

Yes, person of the week, because she is another one of those of the celebrity  class who more and more seem to believe that simply because of their peculiar status they have a higher aptitude for knowing   what is best for America…  And sadly, some politicians and common folk apparently believe their assessment… 

 Person of the Week, Roseanne Barr, inadvertently drawing attention to ( at best the silliness and at worse the danger of )  the shifting to celebrity governance?… 

20,000 shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles on the loose, and Obama’s role?

On this page and many others has been suggested that the American president had a responsibility to help manage well the so-called “Arab Spring”,  in order to avert further deteriorating conditions in the Middle East and in the world. …   But now comes word that while conditions deteriorate in Iraq /Afghanistan, and because of the Arab Spring , America’s ally Israel in the region now finds itself under additional extreme pressures from Egypt,  Iran and the Palestinians —  while reportedly some 20,000 shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles are missing  from unguarded weapon stockpiles in Libya. .. .

Deadly weapons acquired by the bad guys of the region and on the way to the black markets of the terrorists world-wide? 

Just sayin’. …

Persons of the Week: Mahmoud Abbas and Barack Obama

Persons of the Week in unison because their relationship and the results of the same shows that leaning over backwards and doing somersaults to appease the Palestinians while denigrating the Israelis, results not in useful outcomes, but in a naive American Middle East foreign policy detrimental to the interests of the United States. …  Is it also another example of how the Obama Administration has mismanaged   the “Arab Spring” and how the Palestinians have played the President? …

Just sayin’. ..’

Person of the Week: Anita Dunn, former senior aide to President Obama

Senior aide at the Obama White House, Anita Dunn, was merely a female potted plant, among other White House potted plants of the same gender?   The former White House Communications Director is quoted as saying  the Obama White House could have been taken to court for being a hostile workplace “…  because it actually fit all of the classic legal requirements for a genuinely hostile workplace to women.”

Draws additional attention to the fact that the “Hope and Change” rhetoric of the Obama White House is simply a smoke and mirrors creation?   . …

President Obama has misunderstood and mismanaged the “Arab Spring”?

Regarding the media-named “Arab Spring” uprisings in the Middle East, on May 7, 2011, on this page (as others did elsewhere),  PanAm pointed out that Dubya Bush deserved credit for encouraging democracy in places where democracy had been missing for ages — but also suggested it was imperative that the changes  needed to be managed wisely, otherwise chaos and damage to America’s interests would result. …  Well, there has been chaos, and America’s best interests are in  jeopardy   because  President Obama   has not managed  the changes well. …

Just sayin. …

Person of the Week: Valerie Jarrett

Yes, Valerie Jarrett, for urging the U.S. Congress to pass immediately the president’s “jobs bill“, tho’  it has yet to be presented to the Legislative Branch, nor is it reportedly even completely written  ( remember the Health Bill episode?!).  Whatever they do or say and however inaccurate, hypocritical and nonsensical, it seems politicians  such as Ms Jarrett will say whatever they think will put the other branches of government in a bad light — but apparently they are not aware that it reflects most poorly on themselves.

Any wonder why American hold politicians in so low regard? …

The enforcement of immigration laws of the U.S.A. depends on “who you know” and on political expediency?

Photo from Framingham, Mass PD

The illegal immigration problem of the United States of America will never be solved because the politically well “connected” get preferential treatment and because whomever occupies the Presidency needs the votes of those who favor illegal immigration?

Just sayin’. …

Someone at the New York Times gives Palin a somewhat decent “shake”?!

Although PanAm does not care to see Gov. Palin enter the presidential race, again, it is  newsworthy from this perch that the powers that be at the TIMES permitted the publishing of “Some of Sarah Palin’s Ideas Cross the Political Divide“.   She is cited as having been critical of the  “Permanent political class” of all stripes that governs America and of  “Corporate crony capitalism”, as well as having been critical too of  “…  the collusion of big government and big business and big finance to the detriment of all the rest”. … 

Particularly so grating is that it’s so true that so many politicians  “… arrive in Washington of modest means and then somehow ride the gravy train to fabulous wealth.”…  Something IS rotten in,  Washington. …

Is it a new beginning for the New York Times,  transitioning to being fair?  Probably not, but it’s worth noting. …

Obama, Biden and Hoffa: “Hope and Change” means blame the Republicans?

What a novel idea, simply blame the Republicans, …  again and again — that’s responsible leadership? …   No, that’s fighting to keep the presidency at any, at any cost,  including  dividing the country further by any means possible. …  From Obama,  Biden and Hoffa, uplifting rhetoric that will unite all Americans. … 


Mr. President, you and/or your advisors seem to believe that the ends justify the destructive means you have chosen to employ in your Campaign 2012  — that is not the Hope and Change  for which significant numbers of your supporters believed they were voting in 2008. …

Person of the Week: Jerry Lewis, he who “brung ’em”, then was discarded unceremoniously

Jerry Lewis ( tho’  irascible sometimes, yes),  for his lifetime of giving of himself to the Muscular Dystrophy Association so that billions of dollars of charitable contributions could be received that could help advance the search for cures. …  Some might not have appreciated his brand of comedy  nor  his at times politically incorrect statements,  but he more than anyone else put the “MDA” on-the-map, and because of his efforts the Association became a major player in the quest for charitable monies… 

But the sad saga continues, alas, because even charitable organizations are made up of political animals,  made up of those with their own agendas, right or wrong,  with little concern about being thankful  to “old Jerry”, who brung ’em to the “Big Dance”. …

Just sayin’…

Continually PanAmericanWorld receives “non responses” from some who merely forward their own webpage. …

Please note:  PanAm does not publish writings received that are merely copies of someone else’s own webpage.

President Obama asks for “nonpartisanship” in Washington, but in full partisanship tries to play politics with the Republican debate.

 Actions   speak louder than words, Mr. President. … 

And it seems, furthermore, that those in the White House still do not understand that constitutionally there are 3 Branches of Government in the United States of America, and that the country is not governed by a potentate and his advisors. …

A lesson in civics  and in civility for the White House is needed. …  Just sayin’.

Person of the Week: Texas governor Rick Perry

Rick Perry, latest Republican Primary presidential candidate…   Although new to the competition, he has impressed enough already to have risen quickly to the top echelon of those already in the primary race…   The next Republican debate in September will give Governor Perry a forum on which he can show whether he can compete on the national stage,  or if he might just be a flash-in-the-pan…

Mexico’s President Calderon “berates” the U.S.A. for insatiable drug use

As previously has been written on this page and many others: 

Drug use is rampant. 

With apologizes to all Libertarians, and not intending to praise Calderon, …  in certain issues —  such as the ones dealing with illegal drug use — America needs to reassess its priorities and policies and swing to a new tack because its currently lackadaisical course is harming national security and everyone’s overall health and safety, as well as helping destroy the civil society of our neighbor to the south. 

Another deteriorating, dysfunctional country, this one adjacent to our border, is of course  not beneficial  to the citizens of either country.

Person of the Week: French President Sarkozy

Yes, Sarkozy, from France (yes, a Frenchman) for reportedly  taking the lead in making N.A.T.O.  more “relevant” in the aftermath of the Cold War by taking the lead in resolving issues in the Mediterranean region…  Let the Europeans of the Alliance shed more of their blood and treasure in their defense and in bringing stability to their “backyard”. …

Foreigners take jobs from Americans, but want more?

The program seems to be run for the profit of the organizers (without proper explanation to the students that their work will be menial and lowly paid) and seems to lack the simplest of governmental oversight.  Plus, however many pie-in-the-sky platitudes are expressed about improving(!) cultural understanding with foreigners, Americans who are out of work and/or American students ought to be the ones being hired to work these  jobs.  Ship the ungrateful foreign students   back, and scrap the program if it is so poorly run. 

Just sayin’!

Defacto Presidential pardons for illegals come true and Facebook censors Arizona critique?

Immigrant rights groups and community members call in Los Angeles Monday, Aug. 15, 2011, for an end to the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Secure Communities program, which was created in 2008 and calls for police to submit suspects' fingerprints to DHS so they can be cross-checked with federal deportation orders. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes) 

[Photo from Washington Times.]

Defacto   Presidential pardons for illegals — the president wants to get re-elected at any cost and changes the rules for deportation so as to get the Latino voters ?  You saw it coming, didn’t you? 

Hel-lo!…  Why aren’t the major news outlets complaining?

President Obama Campaign 2012 Strategy — corrupt the deportation process for illegals

It surely seems that way. …  Maybe the view at the White House Campaign 2012 is that the Latino voters   rally to his side  and help him get re-elected. … 

Elected at any price, eh?

 Just sayin’.

A White House more interested in hiding itself from public scrutiny and in staying in power?

 Poverty     is up,  transparency    is down,  Americans are unhappy, but the president is out campaigning to keep his job  and  politicizing      federal governmental agencies… 

Is this the kind of presidency anyone envisioned?

President Obama takes the Black vote for granted because they will vote “race”, regardless?

Previously more than once it has been written on this page that the president has the Black vote in his back pocket, and he acts as if he is sure of it — regardless of how high the unemployment rate is among American Blacks…   Some might complain,  but will it matter in presidential election 2012?

Just sayin”

Person of the Week: David Axelrod, who metaphorically and hypocritically wants to “kill Romney”?

…  “Unless things change and Obama can run on accomplishments, he will have to kill Romney,” said a prominent Democratic strategist aligned with the White House…  ” [Reading between the lines, would venture an educated guess that David Axelrod is the prominent strategist to whom the unattributed quote belongs — David Axelrod, Person of the Week, for such civil and uplifting words!]

Yes, Axelrod eventually says that anyone who calls Romney weird will be fired from the Obama Presidential Campaign 2012 team, but in so doing the political strategist tries to gloss over that apparently he  intends to rely extensively on a dirty tricks campaign. …  Note how he specifically says that if anyone calls the Republican “weird”, they will be fired…   What essentially he says is that if the actual word is used, they will be fired, tho’ apparently every other campaign dirty trick  will be tolerated — just not the word, “weird“…

Additionally, it seems that though attempts to use  Romney’s  religion against him will be paramount (along with other shenanigans), the attacks will be done in a “whispering” way and through political surrogates not directly employed by the re-election committee — “plausible deniability”!? 

The public ought not expect  much uplifting public debate from Obama and his team, just more of gutter politics at its worse.

Cancel Obama’s costly National HealthCare program?

With the current and looming economic shortcomings and budget  uncertainties, why not commonsensically face the harsh realities and cancel the program, or at least postpone it indefinitely until circumstances improve?!

Person of the Week: “Papa” Chairman Mao (by way of Hu Jintao of the Peoples Republic of China/Chinese Communist Party)

Who’d a thunk it:  Papa Chairman Mao lives, and lectures child President Obama’s America: 

1. “… Cure… [your] …addiction to debt…”

2.  ” learn to live within…  [your] means…”

3. “China, the largest creditor of the world’s sole superpower, has every right now to demand the United States to address its structural debt problems and ensure the safety of China’s dollar assets,”…

China.  Yes, CHINA, lectures subservient Obama’s America about its national debt problem …  What a turnaround!  Do those who want  more and more governmental spending and more and more raising  of the national debt ceiling understand they are destroying America’s present and future ? … 

China,  paternalistically berates the United States of America! … 


[China’s Communist mouthpiece New China News Agency lectures subservient America about its national debt problem.]

About the president: The “emperor” wears no clothes, and more people are noticing?

About “Potentate” President Obama — post written on August 13, 2010. …  And now for the first time  the S & P downgrades America’s credit rating.   The “shedding” continues.  How many notice that the emperor wears no clothes? …

Just sayin’. …

U.S.A. credit rating no longer AAA (S & P), and the White House never saw it coming?

No risk to America’s credit rating, Geithner had said. …  But here it is. … 

World, …   no need to cry for America, the nation is still standing, but the White House needs to accept responsibility for the mess it has created rather than blaming the other Party.

The White House never saw it coming, so in the midst of the country’s financial woes, President Obama marched recklessly along to a socialistic drumbeat, pushing this and that, including a redistribution of wealth agenda and creating a vast healthcare program that will bring further financial stress to the country. …

Obama is the president, and has failed America — and he ought to note that America does not respect a leader who continually tries to weasel out of accepting responsibility. …

Person of the Week: Abdel Fattah Younes, the recently assassinated Military Chief of Libyan rebels

“I don’t think the investigation will lead anywhere.  They don’t dare to touch the Islamists.”  Reportedly so says one Libyan rebel commander about the announced plan to investigate whomever killed Mr Younes —  because the faction suspected  of the killing are Al Qaeda Islamists… 

Troubled waters in libya, from the beginning, and now more uncertainty since more inter/intra rebel bloodshed will likely follow … .   For America’s sake, hopefully the death of Abdel Fattah Younes does not portend that America’s involvement eventually will have helped the Islamists win control in Libya.

Is Obama simply whistling-in-the dark to make himself look macho: Campaign 2012?

Certainly appears like it…   He doesn’t seem to understand that there are 3 Branches of government and each has its own duties and responsibilities…  He and his surrogates  call Congress,  juvenile, unlike, he says, his children. [ …  Brings to mind  poor ol’  Jimmy Carter. … ]

Mr. President,  regardless of what your Campaign 2012 handlers  might have told you, you cannot make friends and win over people, nor gain stature, by belittling    your partners in government…   Partners. … You are not an omnipotent potentate… 

Oh, and by the by, Obama continually is described as a “constitutional scholar”. …  Hard to believe….   Just sayin’…

President Obama created a hyper expensive healthcare law in the midst of the nation’s financial meltdown, and the Republicans …

Of course PanAm does not want to sound like a broken record ( yes, I remember them), but would not be surprised if the Republicans shoot themselves on their giant elephant foot by caving in and raising the debt ceiling long-term without getting any meaningful cuts in expenditures…  No one ought to misunderstand that whether dealing with domestic or international matters, Obama primarily wants to get re-elected and does not much seem to care about the nation’s  financial wellbeing — he would like nothing better than to kick the proverbial can down the road regarding the nation’s fiscal soundness so that someone else will be required to right the nation’s financial problems, once the president finishes his second term… 

 If he truly cared, he would not have pushed to get the hyper expensive Healthcare law passed while the nation was in the midst of a financial meltdown…

Just sayin’…

California’s initial version of the “Dream Act” for illegal immigrant college students is signed into law.

The first installment of the “Dream Act”, California style, has been passed…   Tho’  this version apparently does not directly require that tax payer monies be spent on the financial aid for college students who are not citizens, it does permit private financial institutions to provide educational loans and assistance to illegal immigrants and forbids the same organizations from taking into consideration that the recipients of such college assistance are not citizens…

Some worry this law will make it more difficult for citizens to receive similar assistance from the financial institutions, and  that this is another step toward using public monies in scholarships for illegal immigrants, particularly during this time of economic difficulties…

Person of the Week: Anders Behring Breivik, “humanistic Norwegian” terrorist?

Any illusions humanistically   educated and reared(?!) Norwegians might have had that their world was free of  “homegrown” terroristic violence some so readily ascribe mainly to gun-happy America, … was shattered by Anders when methodically he gunned down countless young campers. … Things are not so simple. …

Condolences to the victims, their families and humanity everywhere…

President Obama swinging for a knockout or knockdown in the debt ceiling fight that will propel him closer to a second term?

Liberals rejoice…  President will most likely get re-elected in 2012…  But,…   Originally Posted on April 13, 2010…

Considering how the press generally favors   Obama and paints the Republican leadership in a bad light, the assessment made in the above post still remains quite realistic — especially considering that recently the House and Senate  Congressional Republican leaderships do not seem to be in sync, as well as overall appear to be disorganized and/or not cognizant of the effect of optics  — when they are portrayed as being obstinate and of “walking out” of budget and debt ceiling discussions.

And, to use a boxing metaphor, the president seems to feel he is behind on the score card in the later rounds of his bout and has little to lose, so he is swinging wildly to get a knockout or a knockdown to give himself a chance to get a favorable verdict from the newspaper judges,  and then from the public…

 Perception is reality…

We’ll see how this later rounds play out and what effect they have on Presidential Election 2012

Person of the Week: Sardar Mohammad, alleged CIA contact in Afghanistan

Person of the week: Sardar Mohammad, who assassinated Ahmed Wali Karzai, brother of Afghanistan’s president: Hamid Karzai…  Is this another episodic example of the failure of American Foreign Policy in Afghanistan? …  Was this killing an another indelicate message to his brother and does it portend to the United States of America and to the Afghanis that the future there belongs to the Taliban? …

 The military troops on the line have performed and continue to perform admirably, but the policy from the beginning of the Obama Administration of unilaterally announcing when the United States would cease major operations and when it would leave Iraq and Afghanistan seems to have been a colossal failure…

 Admittedly, America’s military entanglements and its financial shortcomings are cumbersome, but, nonetheless, in the clear light of a bright day, how many prior gains will have been lost and how many Americans have died and will continue to die because of the failed leadership from the White House? …

“Bleeding red ink”, Gingrich charges his campaign for the use of his own donor lists!

Say what?! …  Give us a friggin’ break, why don’t you, Team Callista and Newt!!! :  “One of his campaign’s creditors is Gingrich himself. The campaign owes him $47,005 for its use of mailing lists owned by the former Georgia congressman.”

What is it Mr.  Gingrich, Callista needs more  luxury items from Tiffany’s?

Get out of town, why don’t you, you are hurting your party. 

Just sayin’.

“Machiavellian” TIME magazine joins others in helping Obama by undermining Republicans?

Yes, a Washingtonian concerted effort apparently trying to sow  and harvest dissension among Republicans and influence the public against the mean Repubs…  Goes along with Bill Clinton injecting himself into the Republican Primary by ostensibly “handicapping” the candidates and Obama giving his interpretation that the poor, little House Speaker Boehner is in a rabbit snare because of his ” evil reactionary” House members!

Yes, ho-hum, business as usual in Washington circles…   Yes, yes, and yes, divide and conquer, what a novel idea…

 Niccoló Machiavelli, alive?!…

Person of the Week: Dean Vogel, President of the California Teachers Assn.,.

Person of the week for supporting the passage of a California law that reportedly prevents, local school districts from cancelling programs and laying off school employees, although many districts are undergoing dire budget problems.

Without time allowed for public debate, the Democratic Legislature hastily passed  the measure and Governor Brown signed it into law…  It ought not be surprising that public employee union heads are not averse to undermining the local control of schools even if those actions lead to the possible financial collapse of the local entities that feed their members…   

Hel-lo!,  has any California politician or public employee union honcho noticed that nation-wide there is financial crunch? …  Oh,… yeah,… that’s right, … politicians and union kingpins still draw their salaries, expense accounts and pensions, regardless of economic downturns…

Mr. Humberto Leal, executed by the State of Texas: justice served?

Regarding the recent execution of Mr. Humberto Leal by the the State of Texas, contrary to all the smoke screens and possible political posturing for the sake of politics 2012, all ought to bear in mind that he received  his punishment after exhausting all his appeals and dragging his case through the courts since 1994 – after committing deadly heinous crimes in San Antonio, Texas against a young lady  named Adria Saucedo…  The State of Texas, various courts, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court reviewed this case, over and over again…  Justice served?… 

Just sayin’…

Floridians lack common sense or much worse

Of course it’s assumed most Floridians are as intelligent and as common sensical as any in the country — notwithstanding the Bush-Gore presidential election results still in mind when significant numbers of Floridians made non sensical errors on their voting ballots that created “urban legends” of an “election stolen” — but the jury decision in the Anthony case wherein the buffoons in the jury could not conclude even that the dead child had been “endangered” by the actions of the mother takes matters into the realms beyond nonsensicalness… 

Just sayin’

Pres. Obama’s policies in Iraq and Afghanistan have been detrimental to the troops and to the nation?

Certainly appears that way to this writer…  The troops and their families who have sacrificed so much deserve better leadership…  Any failures in Iraq and Afghanistan are because of the president’s failed policies and leadership, and ” window dressing  “changes as a part of his presidential campaign do not change matters … 

The nation deserves better…

Person of the Week: Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez

Chavez, Person of the Week… With caution in mind but realism and practicality at hand, whether sooner or later, when Hugo Chavez recedes from the political scene, what comes next for Venezuela?  Anarchy, continuation of the same leftist policies of the international gadfly Hugo, or a turn to democratic principles and the reinstitution of  western style economic patterns? 

Stay tuned…

Minnesota in financial trouble while Wisconsin’s “tough love” is bearing fruit?

Still a bit early to tell what the ultimate outcome will be but of course the process is worth watching — Wisconsin, no shutdown…  Minnesota, shutdown…

Person of the Week: Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, social pyromaniac?

Yes, McCarthy, Person of the Week, for going out of his way to blame White racism for gang violence amongand-between minority members of “minority communities“(!), and for willfully and irresponsibly seemingly wanting to foment racial  unrest against other groups  (e.g.,.) — simplistically for base political reasons…

Police Superintendent McCarthy, out of touch with reality  and an extremely good example of horrendous leadership by an irresponsible civil servant…

Stop striking the matches, Mr. Top Cop — your job is to put out the fires, not be a “social pyromaniac”!…

John McCain, still an ol’ “lost and loose cannon” RINO trying to appear relevant?

 Senator McCain  continually appears to be upset that few consider him to be his Party’s elder statesman to whom all members look for advise and leadership…  Rightfully so, he appears to be irrelevant to the Republican Party’s faithful of all stripes… Additionally, Sarah Palin, regardless of any perceived shortcomings she might have had, was not the reason McCain lost the last presidential election…  He lost because he appeared to be, then as now, an ol’  ” lost and loose cannon” RINO, consumed by delusions of grandeur and unable to connect with the modern-day masses … 

And now selfishly he provides fodder for the opposition to use against his Party while still trying to bask in the political spotlight…

Mr. McCain, your military service has always been respected and will continue to be so, but it has long been time for you to “exit” the political stage — whether stage left,  or right, does not matter which way you go…

Person of the Week: Charlie Savage, from the New York Times

[Photo from Mr. Savage’s Bio.]

Yes,  from the New York Times, Mr. Savage,  Person of the Week, for disclosing  how, in effect, the president was able to say with ostensibly a straight face that the USA is not engaged in hostilities in Libya(!) — contrary to what common sensical people might conclude after witnessing the raining bombs fall on Kadafi’s compound and elsewhere, and seeing the military budget for the particular military operation skyrocket…  Of course, mind you, Charlie Savage having written what he did and on this page having been written that the New York Times writer is the Person of the Week does not imply that Kadafi is a good guy — are we clear? 

And no wonder some Democrats and Republicans are livid that the War Powers Resolution is being violated by the President … 

Thank you, Mr. Savage…

Latin American regional powers waffle in supporting a Latin American candidate for IMF head

For all the talk about the importance of promoting Latin American cohesiveness  in order  to advance the Latin perspective and influence in world affairs,  some major regional powers remain silent rather than supporting a regional candidate for the position of head of the International Monetary Fund…  Regional solidarity or nationalistic  jealousy?

Person of the Week: Ollante Humala, leftist elected president of Peru

[Photo from ChinaDaily]: 

Ollante Humala , Person of the Week —  elected  president of Peru — and ostensibly his election presents for the Obama Administration yet another failure of American foreign Policy in the Latin region… 

It has been suggested before on this page and elsewhere that  American foreign policy in many respects is in disarray, and that vis-a-vis Mexico, specifically, and Latin America, in general, the United States of America is losing ground not only to narco terrorists, but to  the influence of Brazil, Russia, India, China, Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia and Nicaragua.

Now another Latin American country turns sharply left — in the mold of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and Bolivia’s Evo Morales?

U. S. Rep. Anthony Weiner: his “private” morals have no effect on his public job?

Some might say that the “private”  varying actions of some of the representatives of the people — such as Schwarzeneggar, Ensign, Spitzer, Gingrich, Weiner, et al — have no effect on the public work they do “for the people” and ought not matter to voters when these kinds of politicians run for office or remain in office… 

The French for years have tolerated or ignored or enjoyed politicians who are different animals in private than they are in public, so people such as Dominique Strauss-Kahn apparently for years have been allowed to thrive in that political system…

Don’t the perverted “private” morals exhibited by some elected officials have a deleterious effect on the body politic and on how they “govern” ,  and so is it not best to remove from office as soon as possible those politicians who cross the line?…

Person(s) of the Week: Maurenn Nyergers, and her husband

From CBS News, moving truck at Bank of America,  to enforce the foreclosure:

Maurenn Nyergers and her husband, from Collier County, Florida — persons of the week,  for foreclosing reportedly on a branch of behemoth  Bank of America, and getting their due money!… Not often do the “little people” get a whack at the “biguns” and live to tell about it… 

More power to Johanna and  John Q. Public, who represent the majority of “average Americans” — they pay their taxes and support their country and sometimes have to stand up to powerful governmental and business interests

Persons of the Week: In Memoriam — of all our veterans who have paid the ultimate price while in the service of the nation

Memorial Day Week: In memoriam, honoring all American veterans of all periods and all conflicts who paid the ultimate price while  in the service of the country

Blacks “under siege”: Jim Clyburn charges “racism” to help President Obama get re-elected 2012?

AP Photo: James Clyburn

Obama is not invincible, he can be defeated in 2012, but as previously has been written here and elsewhere, the president needs to keep near 100% of his bloc of Black voters squarely in his back pocket in order to make his victory feasible…

Thus, as a part of the “Blacks under siege” modus operandi to keep the Black community on edge and in the president’s corner, U.S. House of Representatives Assistant Democratic Leader Rep. Jim Clyburn (S.C.) emphasizes that any problems President Obama has with the electorate has to do with racism…  In plain words, he (along with others like Louis Farrakhan) seems to want Blacks to see themselves primarily as Blacks so as to create more cohesiveness within the group, and thereby again assure the Black vote for the president in 2012… 

The charge of racism will keep coming up because the race card is an important part of the Democratic Party Presidential Campaign 2012 … 

Just sayin’

Person of the Week: Harold Egbert (yes, Egbert) Camping, head of Family Radio, a Christian Broadcasting Network

Photo from Wikipedia:

Apocalypse Now “, today, May 21, says the head of his world-wide Christian Fundamentalist flock…  Trained as a Civil Engineer, he apparently has applied mathematical  derivatives to Christian Scripture to arrive at his Dooms Day scenarios… 

 Egbert, just an ol’  sad fool, a  kook,…  another foil for a 24 hour news cycle diet of advertisements and pablum that leads to the derision of sincerely worshipping Christians, or is he a modern master religious  P.T. Barnum who among the masses and in the public square  boosts  religious thought about The Rapture, “End Times, Day of Judgement? 

Simply put, in this materialistic cynical world, is any attention to Spiritual Salvation necessarily bad?

Republicans Gingrich, Schwarzeneggar, Ensign, 3 peas in a putrid political pod — are there others?

But they have repented, mended their ways and sought forgiveness, so let’s let bygones be bygones because their personal failings brought no harm, no foul to the body politic!?   Republicans, from the party of Family Values, deserve much better —  you think?

Furthermore, a bit long the political slogan, but how does this sound, “Vote Gingrich for president 2012 because he’s only like  every other American, an imperfect Christian, and his current wife was on the church choir when he met her…”?!

“Le Great seducer”, Frenchman Dominique assaults SOFITAL chamber maid in $3,000 a night penthouse suite?!

AP Photo:

All right, no problem of course with the  “presumption of innocence” principle accorded all in American judicial circles, but IMF  world “public servantDominique Strauss-Kahn  in reportedly a $3,000 a night SOFITAL suite in New York?…  Give the public a friggin’ break, Mr. Great Seducer Dominique

And what about French Environment Minister Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet seemingly more interested in lamenting the effect the arrest might have on France…    What  pity…  Vive la France!?…  

Give the public another friggin’ break…   Just sayin’…

Person(s) of the Week: Hafiz Muhammed Sher Ali Khan, and “cohorts”

Person(s) of the Week:  An Islamist from Florida, Pakistani born Hafiz Muhammed Sher Ali Khan (and cohorts) — reportedly a Naturalized American citizen imam of a Mosque, was recently arrested for “supporting acts of murder, kidnapping and maiming in Pakistan and elsewhere” in support of the Taliban, specifically pushing for attacks against the American military…

Osama Bin Laden’s demise notwithstanding ,  the arrests show that amongst us terrorists are still plotting,  that the War on Terrorism is obviously not over, that victory is not at yet at hand — that thousands of our fellow citizens are still serving and dying in the Middle East and elsewhere…

The Black community “under siege” as a political ploy

Photo from ABC News at a previous event:

It has been written here and elsewhere that contrary to some who believe it is a near foregone conclusion that the president will be unseated in the 2012 Presidential Election,  for various reasons Obama (as any sitting president (or standing) still is a formidable  opponent…   One of the reasons cited is that the president received almost 100 % of the Black vote in the last presidential election, and if the president’s campaign operative’s can keep the Black community feeling it is under siege, they will continue to remain in the fold, regardless of any lack of improvement in their economic wellbeing  under the policies of President Obama…

Note how the “birther” issue and the issue of rapper Common performing at the White House reportedly have helped strengthen the president’s support among Black people because they seem to see the criticisms as attempts at  perpetuating racism against them…

Just sayin’

Person of the Week, and ongoing: George W. Bush

George W. Bush, Person of the Week (and ongoing): lest we forget whilst in the midst of Presidential Campaign 2012…  The press and those in current power must manage well the change in the Middle East set in motion by  Dubya and carried out with the blood of the American military and on the backs of the American taxpayer — so as to insure the change is not hijacked by Arab or Islamist extremists, nor politicians… 

 Give ample and continuing credit where credit is due, without turning events into political Campaign 2012

Osama appeared to be reaching for a weapon and was shot, hip hip Hooray!?

PanAm is as glad as any that the mastermind of the tragedy of  “911” has reportedly met his end, but is a bit taken aback with the  circus-like and carnival atmosphere exhibited by some who dance in the street and guffaw and hurrah as if they have just won a beer-drinking contest…

Also, somewhat concerned that the White House might be using the killing of Osama as a Re-Election 2012  campaign event at Ground Zero…  But, if so, that would be par for the course in modern political campaigns…

Undoubtedly, the American military performed admirably and deserves countless kudos — and the American people as well deserve a dignified closing of one chapter of the 911 saga…    Hopefully, politicians and White House P.R.  folks will not sully the aftermath

Just sayin’.

Osama’s reported death a boost to Obama’s re-election?

  [AP photo]

Short lived uptick or no tick, who knows…  As others have written here and elsewhere, regardless of the negatives, the president enjoys distinctive advantages, including that the Republicans are, if not in disarray, they are certainly disunited on who in their current  field is really of presidential timber or who has presidential charisma…

By the way, is the congratulatory political commentary of Osama’s demise a bit much?  “Ding dong the witch is dead” ,and all!?

Person of the Week: Harry Alford (calls President Obama a “Marxist” and “Brownshirt”)

For various reasons, as previously has been written on this page and others, President Obama will most likely win re-election in 2012 because he has the Black vote in his back pocket and this constituency will vote almost 100% for him, as it did in 2008…  But some  Black Americans such as Mr. Alford (president and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce)  take a different view of Obama and he reportedly will not simply vote for Obama racially in-lockstep — could people such as he create a problem for the president?… 

Cutting-to-the-chase, though, regardless of how badly the economic wellbeing of  Black Americans has particularly deteriorated under Obama, how many Black Americans actually will vote in the presidential election based on something other than race?… 

Only a relative handful?…

Persons of the Week: Frank and Jamie McCourt, of Los Angeles Dodgers baseball

Yeah, Persons of the Week, for reportedly running aground the once proud Dodger organization while using it as their personal ATM…  Major League Commissioner Selig has indicated he is stepping in to help turnaround  the beleaguered franchise

Frank and Jamie (once proud parking lot owners), “‘poster child‘ adults” for handling personal and business problems in one of the worse possible ways — airing their filthy linen in the public square

Attaboy, attagirl, some say: parking lot trash always rises but also always settles to the bottom…  The McCourts, just showing poor business sense or simply parking lot trash?

Teamsters Union bosses in a pickle — union dues pay for dance tights, and more

 With rank and file dues monies, bosses spent 100s of thousands of dollars on dance tights, barbie dolls, cigars, wine, restaurant meals and more …

Potpourri Pan America: muchachos, vote President Obama in 2012; and more…


1.  It’s 2012 election campaign time, folks  — so the White House wants immigration reform, to get the Latino vote?…  He’s already bombed Libya to portray himself as a strong Commander-in-Chief, now, let’s get them votes, muchachos

2.  “Three Cups of Tea” of fallacy? — who picked this guy to help set our Afghanistan policy? 

3.  S and  P says not so good and Obama Campaign 2012 says it’s all political? — by the way, why isn’t the press complaining about the high gas prices?  Oh, they still want to blame Bush?!!!  Give America a friggin’ break Brian Williams, Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric and company!!!

4.  What happened to “transparency” in government? — where is the change that was promised?  It’s worse than it ever was….

5.  Pres. Obama says: don’t ask me no stinking questions? — America is being treated as a Third World banana republic — come on, Mr. and Mrs. news anchors, speak up, you have the freedom to be independent…

Person of the Week: Wisconsin State Supreme Court Justice David Prosser

DAVID PROSSER — Person of the Week.

From archives: [Unionists reacted in earlier confrontations against  Wisconsin governor Scott — photo from Doug Ross Journal.] 

“State Supreme Court Justice David Prosser emerged as the winner Friday over challenger JoAnne Kloppenburg in a heated election that drew national attention because of the fight over collective bargaining and a ballot reporting error in Waukesha County.”… [From the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel.]

This was a major fight pitting the nation’s powerful public employee unions, as well as private ones, against the forces  in Wisconsin that are trying to reform the political system in order to begin to control out-of-control spending there…

For future general elections and in currently underway recall elections in the state,  does this portend the real mood of the Wisconsin electorate or is this a mere skirmish that will be but a belch in the ongoing budget battles?

Person of the Week: U.S. General Carter Ham

 U.S. General Carter Ham — for bringing attention to the possible use of American land troops in Libya, and drawing attention to President Obama’s seemingly expedient and incoherent foreign policy…  It seems from this vantage point that the president authorized the bombing in Libya in large measure as a reaction to the significant numbers of people who do not see him as a strong Commander-in-Chief, while he was in the midst of preparing to kickoff his 2012 presidential campaign… Furthermore, who knows, maybe if President Obama gets to a point where he believes sending in ground troops into Libya would help him in his re-election effort, and also pacify the American segment that wants army boots in Libya, he might authorize ground troops as well…  General Ham might be prepping the public for such action…

Just sayin”…

Potpourri Pan America: “moderate” ElBaradei now more “immoderate”; and finally, concern about Iran-Venezuela – really!!! And more…


1.  Another little friend from South America gets irked     — after all the visits by the president and the Secretary of State, who are America’s friends in Latin America, really?

2.  Wasn’t “moderate” Arab ElBaradei supposed to be Pres. Obama’s boy in Egypt?   — either the  Muslim Brotherhood or El Qaeda or a combination could be problematic in Egypt…  Another “Shah booted out of  Iran” situation?  Hopefully not…

3.  KSM to be tried by military tribunal  — Whoa, Mr. Holder (KSM is not a Dutch airline) — are you simply playing politics?!  Think things through, why don’t you…  Or are you the fall guy for those above you?

4.  The federales of socialist Nicaragua say “nyet” to popular demonstrations — Daniel Ortega, friend of the people!?  Heck, when will people learn: boot out the supposed dictators only to install another one…  Who are the federales?!

5.  Is America on the verge of giving weapons to its enemies in Libya?   — that’s the rumor…  Another failure of foreign policy for the Obama Administration?… 

6.  Concern over Iran-Venezuela connection expressed — oh really!!!  Here and in many other places that concern has been continually expressed!!!  Give America a friggin’ break!!!


  Iraq not yet settled but send   the weary military and stressed, expensive weaponry  into another war?  Are reasons given consistent or factual , or is Obama acting like a  Bush-Lite simply the start of campaign 2012?  His military leadership skills were reportedly viewed by the American public as almost wholly lacking recently — more macho image needed, so send in the military as a military tool, maybe!  Not comfortable here about the president’s decisions and the process of getting there…

  Will this policy encourage illegal immigration? —   the president simply does  not seem to want to seal the U.S. border…  “Come on up, we’d love to have you”?

  What would the news media say if Bush were still president?!  —  but  probably they will say it’s still Bush’s  fault…  Rolling Stone stories roll right along…

  Look out, Arab end time is near? — what’s with Iran and the clergy! 

  President Obama “just” returned from South America and Hugo Chavez nonetheless is being “awarded” there. —  will Venezuela be bombed next?  It “is” the beginning of election season…

Person of the Week: Katie Couric, perennial “loser” as CBS news anchor

 [photo from Chickipedia]


Katie Couric, perennially in last place among the national news presenters, Person of the Week…  During her stint as CBS anchor, has not been able to convince the majority of the news viewing public that she belongs in the august company of the network’s historical stalwarts EDWARD R. MURROW, WALTER CRONKITE, and ERIC SEVARIED…  Easy Decision… 

For various reasons she has not been a fit for the role of CBS anchor — one amongst  them being that Ms Couric apparently has not been able to figure out what image in news she wants to personify: a serious news anchor at a once storied  news division, or a flamboyant celebrity kitten who off camera continually hobnobs with the leftist element of American society and often promotes their philosophy,… contrary to the objectivity demanded of her position, and more importantly, demanded by the public…

Potpourri Pan America: “bomb baby, bomb” — we need more votes — “Macho, macho man,…”!


1.  Iraq not yet settled but send   the weary military and stressed, expensive weaponry  into another war?  Are reasons given consistent or factual , or is Obama acting like a  Bush-Lite simply the start of campaign 2012?  His military leadership skills were reportedly viewed by the American public as almost wholly lacking recently — more macho image needed, so send in the military as a military tool, maybe!  Not comfortable here about the president’s decisions and the process of getting there…

2.  Will this policy encourage illegal immigration? —   the president simply does  not seem to want to seal the U.S. border…  “Come on up, we’d love to have you”?

3.  What would the news media say if Bush were still president?!  —  but  probably they will say it’s still Bush’s  fault…  Rolling Stone stories roll right along…

4.  Look out, Arab end time is near? — what’s with Iran and the clergy! 

5.  President Obama “just” returned from South America and Hugo Chavez nonetheless is being “awarded” there. —  will Venezuela be bombed next?  It “is” the beginning of election season…

“Person(s)” of the Week: Al-Qaeda in Libya

 Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime. (Photo from The Telegraph — Libyan rebel leader Al-Hasidi]

“Person(s)” of the Week, Al-Qaeda:  Strange Bedfellows…   Nobel Peace Prize recipient U.S. President Obama, while engaged already in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan against Al-Qaeda  involves America in a 3rd war   in another Arab country to support the Libyan rebels against Kadafi — and reportedly,  Al-Qaeda is an important part of the rebel contingent ( according to Al-Hasidi: Libyan rebel leader )!…  Strange Bedfellows…  How did Al-Qaeda manage that feat? 

Just askin’…

America in a new war in Libya and President Obama on vacation celebrating?

[photo from MAILONLINE]

Floundering: Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, participate in a reception in La Moneda Palace in Santiago, Chile, last night

It’s  a mess…..  Who’s in charge here and yonder, and what’s on second?

Potpourri Pan America: get re-elected 2012 — Bomb Libya to show I am a true American and not an Arab lover. (Obama?)… And more…



1. Nobel Peace prize winner President Obama involves America in a 3rd Arab War — while vacationing, and avoiding questions.  Emerging countries oppose bombing Libya   ,but Amr Moussa  just wants to be kingpin   because the Arab League eats their own?

2.  Who’s on first and what’s on second (?) — bomb first and decide who is in charge sometime later so as to blame someone else  in case publicity goes bad? Attaboys, attagirl…

3.  Chavez is twisting in the wind?    — “What now said the brown cow.”

4.  Yes, again, who’s on first and what’s on second…(?) — anyone feel discomfort and uneasy about the nation’s foreign policy (and domestic)?  Who are the federales? 

5.  Bombing Libya because of its oil!?  — but didn’t Obama chastise Bush?

“…,but what the hell do they stand for?…”, the pathetic Arab League representatives want a “mulligan” on Libya?!

 Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa (Photo credit, Creative Commons).

[Amr Moussa wanted to lead Egypt after Mubarak…  Now runs for the hills — to save his place in the Egyptian sun?…]

 Amr Moussa and his cronies seemingly want to backtrack and do a mulligan because they apparently did not foresee the consequences of their actions — actions that ought to have been paramount from the outset…  Pathetic fools and self-serving sycophants or something else?!

*****… “…,but what the hell do they stand for?…”, as written yesterday (and more) on this page…

Person(s) of the Week: Representatives of the League of Arab States: a “confused bunch”?

Yes, PERSON(s) of THE WEEK, the Arab League representatives!…   Pardon my French (pun intended), but what the hell do they stand for?  They demand that  the West let them run their business and their Lands their own way without interference from foreigners, then their representatives run crying for help to the West and to the French (yes, the French!) to come onto their lands to save them!  

PanAm is not advocating on behalf of Kadafi (or whatever they are calling him now), only drawing attention to  the warped logic of the representatives of the Arab League, an organization that one day might rue what they advocated if they come out looking as simply pawns of the West.

Under similar conditions as those in the ongoing Japanese tragedy, would average Americans be as stoic as they?

[AP Photo] Members of a family retrieve clothes and others ...

Certainly there would be significant numbers of average American citizens who could match or might even surpass the stoicism of the Japanese, but overall it is doubtful   , it appears, that Americans in general under similarly trying times would be as seemingly philosophical about their circumstances as the Japanese have been to date… 

There in very short order you have a people who were hit with an earthquake of historical proportions, a tsunami with catastrophic results, followed by a nuclear meltdown scenario in their midst, and on top of that, it is miserably cold…  But nonetheless, meanwhile, if reports are accurate, there is no widespread civil disorder in the countryside among those in-the-eye-of the horrific disaster — no looting, no bellyaching about their perilous plight nor playing the blame game here and yonder (though easily over ten thousand have surely perished)…

Remember Katrina   and New Orleans 2005?

Just sayin’…

Potpourri Pan America: From a “novel idea” (yes) of lowering test standards so more can pass, to death threats to UCLA bimbo; and more

 [photo from Yahoo News] Tokyo Electric Co. employees in charge of public relations, in blue uniform, explain the situation of Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)


1.  10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 -3 – 2 –  1 –   BLAST OFF, Capt. Cocaine —  not implying or inferring anything, to those who know the difference between the two.  But what a mess-up for NASA (has a nice ring to it ” mess-up for NASA”, huh?…

2.  Evo Morales not a happy camper  — about the drug report…  He was not involved in the NASA cocaine dust up, was he? 

3.  KUDLOW has it right, again — the man always has the pulse of the business world as it crosses with the political.

4.  Dayton, Ohio lowers standards for hiring because of Federal D.O.J. pressure —  Will A.G. Holder ever stop messing up…  Will he be jettisoned before Obama Presidential Campaign 2012?

5.  Obama ally and confident confidante considers the calamity in Japan a “blessing”? —  ooh-aah, yippee, hooray, let’s have another real soon?!

6.  The bimbo makes some, well, bimbo remarks, and she is made out to be a friggin’ Hitler?   — death threats are made against her…  Where is the commonsense in this whole freakin’ mess from all sides?  Put her on the F.B.I’s Top Wanted List, heh?  And the AFLAC “duck” gets fired  — with all the unemployment going around?…  Come on people, give the  bimbo and  the freakin’ duck a break, why don’t you…  Just sayin’

Person of the Week: Wisconsin governor Scott Walker

[Photo from Chicago Tribune]

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signs measure limiting collective bargaining for public workers

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, person of the week — for showing enlightened fortitude in the face of the barbarian thuggery at the gate and within the gate of the stately Wisconsin statehouse…  In the long run, his savvimess and willingness to take tough steps for the betterment of his state’s current generations, as well as the future ones, will benefit all the citizens of Wisconsin — including the public employees who like sheep allowed themselves to be led by self-serving union bosses  into ethically and economically untenable positions…

Mob holds Madison, Wisconsin statehouse hostage, but rule of law prevails

[ photo from Huffington Post]

Wisconsin Protests

Wisconsin Democratic state senators shamelessly continued drawing their paychecks and shamefully went AWOL from their elected posts, leaving reckless mobs to (in effect) sack the Madison, Wisconsin statehouse and attempt to overthrow their legally elected representatives…

If anyone needed another straw to convince them that this sad spectacle was anything but a pathetic attempt to undermine   democracy,… perpetually self promoting Jesse Jackson parachuted in to lead the masses toward, well, oblivion?…   Contributions to Jesse’s Rainbow Coalition, anyone?!

Thousands of protestors and  professional agitators drank the Kool Aid fed to them by public unionists  intent on keeping their beds feathered and cushy, while hundreds of thousands of others saw the pictures and videos of chaos and shook their heads in near disbelief… 

Yeah, “ON WISCONSIN”,  a step toward barbarianism!

Potpourri Pan America: Public employee union leaders are ruining the country? And more…


1.  With a leaky bucket, Secretary Gates has a difficult time trying to carry water for Pres. Obama     — Victory is going to be declared (as has been written on this page and elsewhere long ago.), come hell or high water…  Will American lives have died in vain because of poor leadership from the white house?  And, how about that Karzai!

2.  It takes all kinds to make a world   — but where is Darwin when you need him most!  Surely we know what this recently showered guy’s political persuasion is!…

3.  It’s not simply an action to break up unions — there are significant problems — even the good liberals in Massachusetts have come to understand economics….

4.  “Wonder boy” is at it again  — NPR is not a liberal bastion, bashing conservatives unabashedly?  Enough, already with the alliteration, and with NPR parading  as being apolitical…

5.  But  Will Kadafi get safe travel permission slip ?– how else will he get to Hugo or Fidel? Regardless, has President Obama mishandled the Libyan mess?

Person of the Week: Congressman Charlie Rangel(N.Y.)

Charlie Sheen, scratch that,  Congressman Charlie Rangel continues to make himself out as a good representation of what bad representives of the people do…

(credit: Karen Bleier/AFP/Getty Images)

[Photo and story from CBS News New York]

Commentary  from the public comment section below the story worth considering (May 5, 2011, at 10:40AM) — as well as others


I love it when black leaders stand up for thugs. However, when it comes to black students failing in school do black leaders stand up for better teachers? No they picket for higher wages for teachers who can’t teach.

Lousy teachers vs lousy students, black leaders choose lousy teachers. Damn the lousy students”

Hasn’t Charlie had enough bad press lately?


Beheadings have arrived in America

Will the beheadings  soon arrive at a city near you,  or worse still, arrive on your block?  The Middle East is important, but but!… Anybody still wondering why Arizona is on edge?

Just sayin’

Potpourri Pan America: “minorities” will inherit the country and then what? And more…


[Rep. Issa.]

1.  In numbers, the future is bright for minorities in America   — but as a consequence, success will be a failure for them and for all?

2. Issa saw the light finally and fired his spokesperson  —  Rep. Issa and the Republicans could still shoot themselves on the collective foot by playing up to the people at the New York Times and by not maintaining the highest decorum.

3.  ” my people”, says AG Eric Holder, are only the Black people?   — well, not quite, but gives the  impression.

4.  President Obama is weak on the world stage? — more than one person has decried the shortcoming.

5.  Another past study and critique of the problems in Mexico — what has been done about it?  Not much

Person of the Week: Sara Salazar

 Sara Salazar

[AP photo]

Person of the Week:  Sara Salazar, from the state of Chihuahua in northern Mexico across from El Paso, Texas — though she and her family are under attack from criminal entities in their country, at great personal peril they persist in their struggle…

Her daughter, Mexican human rights activist Josefina Reyes Salazar was killed last year presumably by lawless elements who opposed her campaign against the violence currently pervasive in Mexican society —   and yesterday, the dead bodies of two of her siblings and of a sister-in-law were found in the area of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico.  They were reportedly killed to keep others from continuing to complain about the deterioration of law and order in Mexico in general  and to keep the family  from speaking up against the criminals and against those governmental agencies who wish that they would cease drawing attention to Mexico’s problems.

Violence in the Middle East deserves attention, but the upheavals so close to America’s border must not be overlooked…

Potpourri Pan America:

 Has anyone seen this man in Libya or traveling abroad with a blond, voluptuous nurse at his side? A handsome rascal he is, you say…

1.  Kadafi going to Hugo and both going where? — Kadafi is under siege

2.  Rush does not mince words — does Rush have a point?

3.  Wisconsin students can’t read?   — Blame the teachers or the newly elected governor?

4.  Anotherone who does not mince words — “Rummy” still tells it like it is…

5.  Evo also on the run?   — The indigenous leader finds out it’s harder to govern than to exhort.

Person of the Week: ex president Jimmy Carter: yes, really

View Image

[Photo from University of Iowa news service.]

Jimmy Carter for continually trying to insert himself into the public eye to appear relevant and to sell books,  Person of the Week…  It hurts, we know…   He indicates that the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt apparently is a peaceful freedom loving organization and seems not to fear them one iota… 

Everyone knows how valued his opinion is  given his leadership in the Iranian Fiasco during  his presidency…  Person of the Week, Mr. Carter, for shining a spotlight on those such as himself who seem to exemplify personal and professional incompetence and who continually and shamefully  pursue  money and self-indulgence, to the detriment of their country…

President Obama concerned with the Wisconsin budget crisis, but less so with the Federal budget monstrosity and Americans being killed in Mexico?

 [Photo from Fox News — Jaime Zapata, federal agent, killed.]

U.S. officials say Jaime Zapata, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent, was killed and another agent wounded while driving through northern Mexico Tuesday.

What’s it all about?… 

American is killed in Mexico, while seemingly the president is clueless about what to do   about it…   Events in Latin America are spinning out of control and our leadership is clueless?

And as if he did not have enough to keep him busy in Washington, he tries to tell the government of Wisconsin how to solve its budget crisis…   President Obama continues driving the nation into bankruptcy, but erroneously believes, haughtily(?), that he is so knowledgeable and has so much free time on his hands that he can dwell on criticizing the government of Wisconsin for trying to balance its state budget.

Plain chutzpah or simply something worse?

Just sayin’…

Potpourri Pan America: Spanish soldiers are Sons of the American Revolution?; and more


1.  The Obama White House not so transparent — how many can say “I told you so”, but why hasn’t the majority of the news media made much of fuss about it?

2.  Maricopa County Sheriff Arpaio currently a formidable possible candidate — contender for the upcoming open senate office in Arizona…  Run Joe run, Run Joe run!!!???

3.  Bolivian Leader Evo Morales meets his “Agua Loo” — Yes, Mr. indigenous leader of the indigenous people of Bolivia might be losing his karma…

4.  Spiegel belatedly praises Bush? —  yup. sounds like it, but who else does?

5.  Spanish soldiers recognized as “sons of the American Revolution”?! —  the New World made strange bedfellows or is it something else?

Person of the Week: Oprah Winfrey

 [Photo from Politico]Oprah wants 'respect' for Obama

Oprah Winfrey , Person of the Week, for apparently inadvertently drawing attention to  a view prevalent among a significant segment of the news media that because he is the first Black American President of the United States of America,  people ought not criticize Barack Obama  — and as a corollary to that assertion,  that anyone who does criticize him is a racist…

Ms Winfrey campaigned for Mr.Obama during his quest for the presidency, but at that time did not rail against  the vicious criticism leveled at then president George W. Bush — so it seems that now she could simply be attempting to shield her friend and fellow prominent Black American mainly because of her personally close connection to the current president. 

A fair conclusion could be that for self-serving reasons, Oprah Winfrey wishes simplistically to diminish, deflect or eliminate any criticism of the President, and does so by extolling the importance of The Presidency itself…

On the road. PanAm will be indisposed for a few days.

Steelers by 7!

I got nothing — else.

Person(s) of the Week: the American military men and women in the Middle East

Soldiers Monday carry the casket of Army Spc. Jason D. Fingar to the veterans section at Memorial Park Cemetery. Fingar died May 22 in Afghanistan.

American military men and women — and their families — who gave the ultimate sacrifice, and those who continue to sacrifice in the Middle East, and at home…  The military and its families who through blood, sweat and tears can again help spread democracy,  this time throughout the Middle East– if their sacrifices are not squandered and allowed to have been in vain… George W. Bush can be remembered as well…

Baseball honcho Antonio Castro, son of Fidel: it’s a small world!


[Photo of Antonio Castro, from EL DIA, Bolivian newspaper]

Because the Press is flooding the print and air waves making instant herd analyses of who and what is up and whomever or whatever is down in Egypt, PANAM decided the world can afford to take a break from his own viewpoint for a day or more!…  Also, given that in the last month or so there have been countless hits on the PAN AMERICAN WORLD sports sites, today have decided to include at least a small piece about international sports… 

Antonio Castro, Vice president of the International Federation of Baseball:  it is being announced  in the Saturday February 5 edition of EL DIA newspaper of Bolivia that Major league Baseball of the U.S.A. is increasing its financial support of the organization in order to expand the development of baseball internationally… 

Reportedly this Mr. Castro is non other than a son of Cuban Communist leader Fidel…  Who’d a thunk it

George W. Bush: …Democracy,… “God’s gift…”… to the Middle East

He was right?  But, regardless,  don’t anyone mess up  the transition by encouraging  mob rule…

Potpourri Pan America: ElBaradai, a neutered lap dog for Obama or……? And more…


1.  1974: Time Magazine says world climate is  getting colder — how ’bout them cold apples, Mr. TIME man, you were right, talk to Al , why don’t you…  The world is always getting warmer and colder …   [Anyone old enough to remember the Ice Age? (just kidding.)]…  Or,  as the “Witch Doctor” says, it’s too hot because it’s too cold…    We’re freezing because we’re burning,  or something like that!…   I get it — huh?…

2.  First Matthews get a thrill up his leg from Obama and now Bill does the same for him… — what’s up with Chris?!

3.  The Obama Administration is very secretive because it is very open —  Rep. Issa has to understand that it is very hot, because it is very cold…  Mr.Issa, you can do it, turn the heat up even more altho’  it is very cold…  It’s a conundrum within an enigma (or something like that) that can be solved with a few subpoenas and Hearings from the Super Issa man…

4.  It’s not bad enough that Mexico is drowning in bad government and drugs   — but is also easily slurred, with no critique from the main liberal news media… 

5.  Obama no real friend of Israel  ?– Israel was right in its assessment?…

6.  El Baradai, is he a lap dog of President Obama?   — and will the Muslim Brotherhood neuter him quickly  and attack Israel, or has Mohamed already been done?!

Obama instigating regime change in Egypt?

Another failure in foreign policy for the Obama Administration that will further damage American  credibility and security, not only in the Middle East, but around the world?

Person of the Week: Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak

Will Obama be to Mubarak as Carter was to the  Shah of Iran…  

 Just sayin’…

Pay attention to Egypt, but what about Mexico next door?

[photo from]

Often and continually or continuously, the American government seems to be reacting to trouble spots around the world, not anticipating them and beforehand working to defuse them, even when the problems are right next door to its borders, such as in Mexico…

Now that the Egyptian problem has ignited and is possibly on the verge of exploding into an all-consuming  conflagration with potentially profound possibilities, of course it deserves attention, but the problems that are undermining Mexican society need to be addressed  aggressively right now, too, so that those problems don’t lead to a conflagration as well, within our southern border area — much closer to us than Egypt and the Middle East … As our citizens on the Borderlands have long noticed, it is bad enough already, while  it seems our politicians look the other way.

Full speed ahead right now on solving the immigration problems, the drug cartel problems and overall all the problems   that have arisen and/or have worsen because the Obama Administration has not paid full attention to Mexico, specifically, and Latin America overall…

Potpourri Pan America: “Where are the (American) federales” — Mexico inches toward “failed state” status?


[Photo from]

Examples of violence in some Mexican “border cities”:

1.  Matamoros, Mexico  and Reynosa, Mexico  — No “snow birds”   crossing from Texas into this area, probably. 

3.  Nuevo Laredo, Mexico   —  a major  commercial and tourist crossover  point on the Texas Border.

4.  Ciudad Juarez, Mexico — a major commercial crossover point on the Texas border, and, apparently, more people apparently died there last year due to the drug cartels than in Iraq and Afghanistan.

6.  Nogales, Mexico —  It’s a small city, but a major crossover of drugs and illegal immigrants into Arizona.  Wanna play in the national parks in Arizona?  Some are so upset with security that they are about to pass a law directed at President Obama’s re-election bid…

7.  Tijuana, Mexico —  A major  commercial and tourist crossover on the California border. Anybody for surfing in Baja?

Examples of violence in a few Mexican tourist cities:

1.  Cancun, MexicoAcapulco, Mexico ,  Monterrey, Mexico — vacation time anyone?  The rates   are cheap…

Person(s) of the Week: parents of Luís Santos – Luís was killed in an attack involving the son of a political ally of Arnold Schwarzenegger

[A.P. photo]

Along with his associates, Esteban, the son of Fabian Nuñez, attacked some college students because the attackers were not permitted to attend a private student party…  Nuñez is an ex Speaker of the Assembly in California…  In the attack, a student died and others suffered serious knife wounds…  For his violent actions, the Court gave Mr. Nuñez’s son 16 years in prison,  but in the last hours of his governorship, Arnold Schwarzenegger lessened the sentence to 7 years…

Mr. and Mrs. Santos, parents of Luis Santos ( who died in the knifings), for various reasons have filed suit to overturn Schwarzenegger’s  reduction of sentence — including that it appears the action was taken by the governator as a crass political move to help the son of  his political crony, Mr. Nuñez. 

The Santoses are commended for attempting to right a wrong…

It’s funny(?): “Blackie O” is the wife of the president, so says Joan Rivers?

[photo from Radaronline]

Is there any criticism about “this” from leftist or Black organizations or from anybody, or does she get a pass because of her leftist political beliefs?  Even Howard Stern’s crew thought a line had been crossed …  Plastic surgery does not cure racism nor first stage dementia?

Potpourri Pan America: from Tyrannosaurus Rex to Sputnik to Loughner’s dad to itty bitty Sen. Brown, and more

Ponder this

View Image

[Good Rexy, go fetch Al Qaeda, now!!!]

1.  Can you also clone a Tyrannosaurus Rex for me, Mr. Tojo?  — Here Rexy, here Rexy, come and get it (come get Al Qaeda!).

2.  Sen. Brown (R?: Mass.) — what is this man’s little bitty first name?!  Shall he get voted out next little bitty time or is it a good ploy?

3.  Previous V-P Dick Cheney gives them hell  — With or without a beating heart, the man is in the fight, contrary to some…

4.  How ’bout dem Wikileakers?! — in some,… in some cases, they can do some good?

5.    Loughner’s father is the scapegoat?     — right off the bat, underlying it all, always blame the father, is that the babble?

6.  Pow!, ping!, take that,  Mr. Sputnik — it happened in Seattle, uh, no, in Pasa-DENA?!  I thought they were only noted for the Rose Bowl…

7.  Taking it out on the gun owner?  —  give the guy a friggin’  commonsensical break, why don’t they?



1.  “Madman”  — folks, don’t make Loughner out to be a political activist of any stripe, be sensible!

2.  Pima County Sheriff  — an ignorant buffoon or a dangerous political opportunist, worse than any of those whom he criticizes, seemingly in order to stifle political dissent overall.

3.  Chris Cillizza — don’t always agree with him but worth reading this column.

4.  President Obama stirs up violence? —   how about the press calling him on it…  How about the Democratic sheriff of Pima County calling him on it…

5. silence the freedom of speech— ” the pot calling the kettle black”?

6.  Don’t restrict the freedoms of decent people  — well said by the father of child shooting victim Christina Taylor Green, even while in deep grief.



1.  ESPN sportsters continue to be the same old dysfunctional bunch — boys will be boys,… uh,… ol’ geezers will be ol’  geezers, it seems (no offense meant to ol’ geezers) — come on, it’s the 21st century, fellas…  By the way, ESPN, isn’t it long past the time when women ought to have been promoted into the broadcast booth rather than eternally condemned to walk the sidelines and the stands?

2.  How ’bout dem terrorist Arabs killin’ Christians — they want respect and harp that their word can be trusted…  Say what?!

3. Obama’s lap — the news media does not blame the president for the oil price increases at the pump?  What if Bush were still in office?!

4.  sexy makeover — for Global Warming, or simply nudity for the sake of just nudity…  How about Al Gore sans his skivvies?!  No, let’s not go there…

5. Give people a  friggin’ break   — really, all the college athletes are moral purists and the NCAA the purist of them all ???

6.  southern California    — Global Warming and the world freezes?  Even southern California has been been snowed-in…

7.  The outgoing “Republican” California “Governator” commutes sentence of Democratic political crony — came in with the hopes of decent people and left the state in shambles and he as corrupt as one of  the worse of the worse politicians

Person of the Week: James Eric Fuller, victim as well as victimizer?

Image: J. Eric Fuller at his Tucson, Ariz., home

[photo from MSNBC]

In seeking to silence through violent means those with whom he disagrees, James Eric Fuller ( like some others across the land) in part exhibits the thought processes of Jared Loughner, Tucson murderer.

Reportedly, at a taping of a segment for the ABC News program “This Week”  with Christiane Amanpour, shown on Sundays, audience guest Mr. Fuller took  a photo of a particular Tea Party Movement on-air guest and shouted to him, “You’re dead”  …  Previously he had been booing him, it has been said…

Apparently James E. Fuller was upset that the Tea Party representative at a particular point had indicated something to the effect  that before anyone decided America needed more gun control legislation, at the very least people ought to wait until after the murdered ones were in their eternal resting places…  It appears that at the street corner meeting where Congresswoman Giffords and others had been shot, Fuller himself also had been shot  — and released from the hospital a few days later.)…

It is understandable that James E. Fuller would not be a happy camper about having been shot (by an apparently apolitical unstable man), but it is very difficult to understand how any person so quickly seeks to silence the voices of peaceful people simply because those peaceful ones seek to exercise their right of peaceful free speech…

Even Comrade Castro chimes in on catastrophe in Tucson

Fidel Castro[He blames George W. Bush and the Tea Party Movement and then goes on and on — not unlike the “leftists” amongst the American multitude.]  January 14th, 2011

The Reflections of Comrade Fidel
 Obama’s speech in Arizona
 Yesterday I listened to him when he spoke at the University of Tucson where homage was being paid to the 6 people murdered and the 14 wounded in the Arizona massacre, especially the Democratic congresswoman for that state, seriously wounded by a gunshot to the head. The victims of the shooting were definitely brave, each with their merit, and in general they were humble citizens; if it hadn’t been so, they wouldn’t have been there, defending the right of all Americans to medical care and opposing the anti-immigrant laws. 
It was the deed of an unbalanced person, drunk on the preaching of hatred that reigns in American society, where the fascist Tea Party has imposed its extremism on the Republican Party which, under the aegis of George W. Bush, led the world to where it is now, on the brink of the abyss.


Added to the disaster of wars was the greatest economic crisis in the history of the United States and a government debt that today is equal to 100% of the GDP, together with a monthly deficit totaling more than 80 billion dollars and again more homes being lost as a result of unpaid mortgages.  The prices of oil, metals, and food are progressively going up.  Lack of confidence in paper currency causes gold purchases to increase and there are quite a few people who see the price of gold ascending to $ 2,000 a Troy ounce.   There are some who even think it will reach $2,500. 
Climatic phenomena have worsened, with considerable losses to harvests in the Russian Federation, Europe, China, Australia, North and South America and in other areas, putting in danger the food supplies for more than 80 Third World countries, creating political instability in a growing number of them. 
The world is facing so many political, military, energy, food and environmental problems that there is no country wanting the United States to return to extremist positions that would increase the risks of nuclear war.
International condemnation of the crime in Arizona was almost unanimous, a crime that demonstrates an expression of that extremism.  No one expected the President of the United States to make an impassioned or confrontational speech, something that wouldn’t correspond to his style or with the domestic circumstances and the climate of irrational hatred that is prevailing in the United States.

The mother of a 9-year-old girl born on September 11th had courageously stated that the hatred unleashed in the world had to cease.  I do not harbor, any doubt in the least that the victims were worthy of recognition by the President of the United States, along with the citizens of Tucson, the students at the University and the doctors who, whenever events of this type occur, always unreservedly express the solidarity which human beings carry inside themselves.  The severely wounded congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords, deserves the national and international accolade being given her.  Today, the medical team was continuing to give positive information on the state of her condition. 

Of course, Obama’s speech was lacking the moral condemnation of the policies which inspired such an act. 

I was trying to imagine how men such as Franklin Delano Roosevelt would have acted in similar circumstances, not to mention Lincoln who didn’t shrink from giving his famous Gettysburg Address. What other moment is the President of the United States waiting for to express the opinion that I am sure is being shared by the great majority of US people?

It is not a matter of the government of the United States lacking an exceptional personality to lead it.  What transforms a president into a historical personage, who has been able to reach that position because of his merits, does not lie in the person, but in the need for him at a determinate moment in the history of his nation.

Yesterday when he began his speech, he looked tense, and very much dependent on the written pages.  He soon recovered his calm, his usual command of the stage, and the precise words to express his ideas.  What he didn’t say was because he didn’t want to say it.  

For the delivery of well-written and just praise for those deserving it, he could be awarded a prize.

For a political speech, he left a lot to be desired.

Fidel Castro Ruz
January 13, 2011
7:38 p.m. 





Potpourri Pan America: a madman, not a political activist, people; and how about the Pima County sheriff — how stable and impartial a lawman is he; plus the father of the child victim speaks of maintaining our freedoms…


1.  “Madman”  — folks, don’t make him out to be a political activist of any stripe, be sensible!

2.  Pima County Sheriff  — an ignorant buffoon or a dangerous political opportunist, worse than any of those whom he criticizes, seemingly in order to stifle political dissent overall.

3.  Chris Cillizza — don’t always agree with him but worth reading this column.

4.  President Obama stirs up violence? —   how about the press calling him on it…  How about the Democratic sheriff of Pima County calling him on it…

5. silence the freedom of speech— ” the pot calling the kettle black”?

6.  Don’t restrict the freedoms of decent people  — well said by the father of child shooting victim Christina Taylor Green, even while in deep grief.

U.S. Rep. Grijalva (Ariz.) asks for civility from “the Tea Partyers” and blames them for the Arizona shooting?

View Image

Heard of an excerpt from the Congressman in which he ostensibly blames all Tea Partyers for the shooting in Tucson, Arizona…  Obviously he does not seem to recall his own “uncivil commentary” from the past and so  quickly throws out a wide blanket,  indicting all the decent people who simply want a smaller more responsible  government rather than a massive bureaucratic one that is unresponsive to the people’s wishes…

Watch for the “uncivil” conning and cunning  ones in the coming days who in saintly manner will seek to climb a high pedestal trying to absolve themselves of all faults, and using the tragic event perpetrated by at least one  mad man  to curb or silence the freedom of speech and the liberties of all decent people with whom they politically disagree…

There are fringe elements at the extreme right and left, so no one ought to seek political gain by casting a wide net of accusations if they truly want complete civil discourse…

Just  sayin’…

Person of the Week: Navy Capt. Owen Honors

Navy Capt. Owen Honors is shown in this undated official portrait. The top officer aboard a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier broadcast to his crew a series of profanity-laced comedy sketches in which he uses gay slurs, mimics masturbation and opens the shower curtain on women pretending to bathe together, a newspaper reported.

[Photo from CBS News]

An American military man, a U.S. Navy officer who served his country in peace and war, Person of the Week for being another sacrificial lamb at the foot of political correctness — Captain honors of the U.S.S. Enterprise was removed from command for reportedly showing poor judgement in producing, directing  and acting in videos a few years back that were  intended to entertain and boost morale of the ship’s personnel while at sea.   He was the ship’s Executive Officer at the time the videos were shown.

Yes, relieve him of command today if he placed his ship in dire straits, today — and endangered his men if he ran it aground or lost lives, ships or aircraft  in peace or war today because of poor judgement, but for this?!

What has been wrought?

Another example of a judge acting omnipotently?(re Anna Nicole Smith)

 Anna Nicole Smith Died from Accidental Overdose | Anna Nicole Smith

[Photo from People Magazine]

At age 39 on February 8,  2007, at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Florida,  Playboy Magazine centerfold, actress    , clothes model and celebrity,  Anna Nicole Smith reportedly died of an accidental overdose  of prescription drugs: among them methadone, anti-anxiety and weight reduction drugs (as well as possibly numerous vitamins) —  the legal drugs supposedly were acquired illegally by those closest to her…

After months/years of wrangling by several people over who the legal father of her child was, and over control of her estate, several people in her inner circle were brought to trial over the matter of the supposed illegal prescribing and acquiring of drugs to be used by Ms Smith.

After trial by jury in Los Angeles County, California, and after the jury brought in guilty verdicts against those charged by the County Prosecutors, on January 6 the Trial Judge set aside   the jury’s guilty verdicts altogether or imposed his own light penalties…

Was that a sham or what?…  Another case of the Courts seeing themselves as above the law and against the Will of the people?  Another reason for the nation’s law-abiding common folk to have doubts about activist judges?…

If the judge had doubts about  the evidence in the case, he could have dismissed the case at the hearing stage months prior to the beginning of the trial.  Or the judge could have dismissed the case after closing arguments, and prior to the jury beginning its deliberation… 

But the judge went through a charade, wasted public time and resources, and undermined the jury system, while in effect protecting those who illegally feed prescription drugs to celebrities and others — that is not good public policy nor morally right.

Just sayin’

[The county prosecutor is not happy with the turn of  events.]

Potpourri Pan America: ESPN continues chauvinistic, Obama gets a pass, Global Warming goes nude, Arabs kill Christians, Schwarznegger rewards political crony,… and what else is new?

[Photo from L.A. Times: Fabian Nunez and son]

Ponder this:

1.  ESPN sportsters continue to be the same old dysfunctional bunch — boys will be boys,… uh,… ol’ geezers will be ol’  geezers, it seems (no offense meant to ol’ geezers) — come on, it’s the 21st century, fellas…  By the way, ESPN, isn’t it long past the time when women ought to have been promoted into the broadcast booth rather than eternally condemned to walk the sidelines and the stands?

2.  How ’bout dem terrorist Arabs killin’ Christians — they want respect and harp that their word can be trusted…  Say what?!

3. Obama’s lap — the news media does not blame the president for the oil price increases at the pump?  What if Bush were still in office?!

4.  sexy makeover — for Global Warming, or simply nudity for the sake of just nudity…  How about Al Gore sans his skivvies?!  No, let’s not go there…

5. Give people a  friggin’ break   — really, all the college athletes are moral purists and the NCAA the purist of them all ???

6.  southern California    — Global Warming and the world freezes?  Even southern California has been been snowed-in…

7.  The outgoing “Republican” California “Governator” commutes sentence of Democratic political crony — came in with the hopes of decent people and left the state in shambles and he as corrupt as one of  the worse of the worse politicians!!!…

Persons of the Year: the decent American people, and the country’s military *****

[Photo from]

Stick Flags - Grave Flags & Parade Flags

The decent American people and the country’s  military who are patriotic and wish to keep America great, for themselves and their children,  despite those within and without who continually seek to undermine the nation..

 Happy New Year, and may all our prayers for our country and our families come to fruition…

Potpourri Pan America: from Obama’s birth certificate to dangers during Christmas, and more

Ponder This:

Obama Hawaii

[A.P. photo]

1.  Obama and family to vacation in Hawaii — heck, he’s the president — he can vacation here and yonder.

2.  Chris Matthews says, “do it”  — Tho’ not a “birther” nor usually in agreement with the MSNBC cable yeller, do agree that the president ought to authorize the release of his original long form birth certificate…  Why not?…

3.  The Christmas season could be dangerous — because you know who does not  believe in Christmas…

4.   Mexican Prison inmates escaped with prison guard help — they only wanted to spread holiday cheer, and collect christmas bonus from the criminal element?

5.   A touch of Latin American Christmas — just something that might lightly inform

December 25, 2010

 Ponder This:

[Illustration from SpiritLessons.Com]

The Christmas Story


And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them at the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Potpourri Pan American: From Hugo Chavez taking steps against the internet, to Evo Morales, to questions about America’s lack of forsight in Latin America, and more.

Ponder This:

16th UN Summit on Climate Change

(Morales: photo from The Guardian)

1.  Hugo also is managing  the Internet — not only is the U.S. A. regulating the net, but Hugo Chavez too is at work…  Chavez is managing to silence his critics, including the press, and now wants to control the internet.

2.  Kidnapping “cottage industry” in Mexico still paying dividends— Mexico at America’s door, in peril.  Where are the Federales?…

3.  Gun rights proponents rejoice — some ARE responsive.

4.  Hudson Institute:  no Obama-Clinton major initiative for Latin America — what has been said on this page and by many others: America is merely a bystander in current Latin American affairs?

5.  Council on Foreign Relations  — interesting data about Latin .

6.  Evo Morales at the past Cancun Climate Conference — if you missed it, Morales (Bolivia) still relishing being the center of controversy as well as being enigmatic and someone to be feared?

Person of the Week: U.S. Senator Reid (D-Nev.), Senate Majority Leader

Senate Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., center, with Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., left, and Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., speaks at a news conference about the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" bill during on an unusual Saturday session on Capitol Hill in Washington Saturday, Dec. 18, 2010. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

For better or for worse, depending on a person’s viewpoint, the Senate Majority Leader ushered in a new era into the U.S. Military arena by leading the fight overturning the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that had existed since 1993… Will any elected officials in Congress suffer a backlash for voting for or against the repealing of the measure or gain new  endorsements for doing the same?

Kobe Bryant is not being politically correct by advertising for Turkish Airlines?

Kobe Bryant

[photo from Yahoo Sports]

Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers is a favorite basketball player of many but not a favorite of a significant number of others, each for various reason…   Recently it was reported that he had signed an agreement to promote Turkish Airlines… The signing has created a frenzy among activists in the Armenian-American community who since the Turkish-Armenian  War of the early part of the last century despise the Turks and demand apologies from the government of Turkey.

Depending on which side has the floor at a particular time, it is said that the Turks are the devils, or that the Armenians are…  It is a complicated mess  because some  refuse to let die the conflict from the old country during an old order, and perpetuate the unrest in the Land of Opportunity — though some do try to remediate between the antagonists and explain that the Ottoman Empire of the Turkish-Armenian War is not the same as modern Turkey.

Whatever truths there might or might not be in Turkish-Armenian assertions, the point from this perch is that it is abhorrent that anyone or any group insist that Mr. Bryant (or anyone) decline to enter into  a legal business deal, strictly because a self-described distinctive group in The United of America has a grudge against the other party in the venture…

Just sayin’…

Border Patrol agent gets shot at the Arizona-Mexico border

Problems still there and violence unabated.  “‘Homeland Security’, what are your thoughts?”

Potpourri Pan America: from Russians missiles in Venezuela to Bolivia nationalizing businesses and “Dream Actors” replacing old white men, and more


1.  “Dream Actors” will replace old white men   —  what is being wrought?

2.  Texas Democrats switch Parties?  —  more fallout from November Elections…

3.  Commendable for British immigrants to collect gov’t benefits  and then send part of their left over income to relatives abroad?!  Says who?

4.  Palestinians unilaterally to declare their own state ?  And Argentina Brazil, Uruguay have already recognized their state…  Who’s asleep at the wheel?

5.  Bolivia continues to  nationalize businesses —  anyone keeping tabs?…..

6.  Violence during religious festivals  — not in the Middle East, in Mexico…

7.  1,800 antiaircraft missiles from Russia to Venezuela — Who’s asleep at the wheel?  And it also has been said that Iran is planning to place missiles in Hugo Land that can reach the U.S.A.

8.  Iran tests missiles from subs to air — they can continue to create havoc in the Middle East.

Person of the Week: U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)

Regarding the economy and extending the Bush Tax cuts:

While the nation is still in difficult straits heading into the new year and a major outcome of the November Elections was a confirmation that significant numbers of Americans are upset with elected officials (who are seen as wholly partisan and not responsive to the citizenry), the good senator from New York reportedly advised his colleagues, as well as the White House — to continue the extreme Democratic partisanship of the last two years and carry-on the dirty tricks tax fight into year 2011.

“His advice was to fight until February and then cut a deal, so we could score some points against the Republicans,” said a senior administration official, speaking on background. “It just didn’t make sense.”

Person of the Week: Senator Schumer, newest darling of the far left (it has been said) —  Schumer, for being tone-deaf to the results of the last elections and thus helping to continue to draw needed attention to the unabated politics of partisanship  of the Democratic Party?

President obama has lost “the center” and parts of “his left” and now he loses his presidency to Bill Clinton?!

Hey, what’s going on, Mr. President?…  Yes, you have taken your lumps for a while now and the November Elections highlighted your failures, but regardless of how disillusioned you might be, you are still the president…  show it …

Rep.  Jim Moran (D-VA), using street gutter language indicates in public that he does not know where you stand on major issues…  In effect, directly in your public face he questions your core values… 

Columnist Peggy Noonan and others have written that politically you have lost the center and parts of the far left.

Editor and columnist Eugene  Robinson suggests that the only way you respond to Republican Party ideas is by calling them names and by trying to insult decent citizens who disagree with you.

And when Ex President Clinton shows up at the White House reportedly to help bail you out, you give up and vamoose…  President Obama , you are the currently elected president, not Clinton…  Optics matter, so though things are heating up in the kitchen (and precisely because they are), you are still the president and Americans of all political persuasions  are expecting you to show stability and confidence,  and need to see who is in charge at the White House… 

Don’t relinquish your post or you will lose the whole political spectrum…


Lest WE Forget: December 7, 1941…

 [Photo from TIME] 



December 7, 1941:  Remember Pearl HarborAll  who suffered directly and indirectly, and those who

made the  ultimate sacrifice…   *****  : a Timeline..

Person of the Week: Rep.Luís Gutiérrez (D.-ILL.),Dream Act activist

Getting to know him:


For some time Rep. Gutierrez has adopted the Dream Act    as his cause celebre and to draw attention to it even has been arrested during  civil disobedience demonstrations, including at the White House    . 

The Bill’s aim originally was to make it possible for some immigrant young people to become legal residents of the U.S.A. — the idea proposed was that because although  they as children had no choice in getting here illegally, they had grown up here and knew no other home… But after various revisions who some say have run far afield of the original intent of the Bill, it does not appear  to have the votes to pass in the lame duck Congressional session — maybe under any circumstances it never had the votes, and possibly it never will…

But through the efforts of people such as Congressman Gutierrez, the spotlight at the end of year 2010 has been placed upon the Dream Act because he says Senator Reid has promised to have it voted for in the Senate… 

Furthermore, stay tuned because the congressman has indicated that if the Dream Act does not pass this year, next year he will lead a nation-wide civil disobedience campaign to have it passed —  and, that Latinos ought to consider leaving    the Democratic Party since overall Latinos have received short shrift from their traditional party-of-choice…

Republican Party Princes of Darkness: “‘Cut Palin off at the knees’, because we know best”…(?!)

Niccoló Machiavelli could give lessons to other Prince of Darkness Karl Rove ( and to other Republicans),  but civility and respectfulness is what GOPers need…


It seems Karl Rove, others of the G.O.P. ol’ guard (in concert with Bush 41 and his family), as well other Party wannabe insiders, — plus some everyday decent independent and sincere conservatives —  are quite fearful of the influence of the little lady from Alaska,  and thus some operatives from the main bunch are campaigning  openly to cripple or destroy Sarah Palin as a political force within the Republican Party…

Whoa, not so fast folks, and no one like lemmings ought to follow the political thinking and machinations suggested in the opening paragraph for that unnecessarily is much too blunt and counterproductive in the long run…  Even Niccoló Machiavelli, who though would be piqued by the maneuvers alluded to above,  would shutter at the lack of duplicity employed by the participants aforementioned…

From one Prince of Darkness to another, Niccoló would say to Karl and company to chill and handle matters with distinctively more cunning…. 

But, more importantly, what everyday common sensical  folks would say is, ” Stalwart Party GOP men, treat Sarah Palin with respect, equality, equanimity,…and with an understanding that, like it or not, she represents a significant number of Tea Party Republicans who if alienated might be the reason Republicans again regress, as they have done in the recent past”…

Independents and others are important blocs, but don’t forget to “dance with who brung you.”…  And with their seeming haughtiness, Republicans guard that they not shoot themselves on the collective foot, or worse,  fire away at each other in a “circular firing squad”…

Republican Party Princes of Darkness: “‘Cut Palin off at the knees’, because we know best”…(?!)

Niccoló Machiavelli could give lessons to other Prince of Darkness Karl Rove ( and to other Republicans),  but civility and respectfulness is what GOPers need…


It seems Karl Rove, others of the G.O.P. ol’ guard (in concert with Bush 41 and his family), as well as other Party wannabe insiders, — plus some everyday decent independent and sincere conservatives —  are quite fearful of the influence of the little lady from Alaska,  and thus some operatives from the main bunch are campaigning  openly to cripple or destroy Sarah Palin as a political force within the Republican Party…

Whoa, not so fast folks, and no one like lemmings ought to follow the political thinking and machinations suggested in the opening paragraph for that unnecessarily is much too blunt and counterproductive in the long run…  Even Niccoló Machiavelli, who though would be piqued by the maneuvers alluded to above,  would shutter at the lack of duplicity employed by the participants aforementioned…

From one Prince of Darkness to another, Niccoló would say to Karl and company to chill and handle matters with distinctively more cunning…. 

But, more importantly, what everyday common sensical  folks would say is, ” Stalwart Party GOP men, treat Sarah Palin with respect, equality, equanimity,…and with an understanding that, like it or not, she represents a significant number of Tea Party Republicans who if alienated might be the reason Republicans again regress, as they have done in the recent past”…

Independents and others are important blocs, but don’t forget to “dance with who brung you.”…  And with their seeming haughtiness, Republicans guard that they not shoot themselves on the collective foot, or worse,  fire away at each other in a “circular firing squad”…

Potpourri Pan America: from Hillary Clinton living the “vida loca” as a super spy to super mouth Palin, from Evo Morales lecturing the U.S.A. to driving Mrs. Bush, Dynasty, and more

Bolivia's President Evo Morales is seen at the presidential residence in La Paz November 26, 2010. Morales hopes to attend the Cancun climate-change Summit in Mexico next week. Morales is healing from a surgery on his left knee.

[Photo from Reuters]


1.  Lecturing the U.S.A. by Evo — as has been mentioned before herein,  is anyone in the U.S. government minding-the-store in South America,… while among others, Bolivian coca leaves farmer President Evo Morales is in perpetual  motion railing against the U.S.A…

2.  Clinton has been in over her head from the beginning?     —  surely seems like it from day one…  Maybe sometime soon she will recede from public life for the public good?

3.  Shall we cry for Argentina or someone else?  —   Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is she running  the Department of State diplomatic corp or living the “vida loca” of a super sleuth international spy?

4.  Now it is confirmed, momma Bush was fronting for Jeb? — and of course papa Bush knows what the  Tea Party group is all about,  and about pushing his other son forward… 

5.  School crossing guard positions, dangerous occupation?  — only in L.A or everywhere?!  Hey,  I thought being a coal miner was supposed to be more dangerous than being a crossing guard…  Am I wrong or am I wrong…

6.  Palin speaks up about the Wikileak mess  — whether people like her or not, and whether she always makes sense or not, she is not afraid to speak up and be held accountable for her views, contrary to many (men?) in the public eye who squirm and look down when the going seems to be getting tough…  [Because of her propensity for voicing her true opinions, she will  probably not run for President ( and in several ways can be a real asset to her Party?)…]

Wikileak “this” — who in the U.S. Government “will pay” for allowing the breach to occur?

How in the name of national security was it possible, reportedly,  for anyone to have the freedom to pilfer  electronically  hundreds of thousands of sensitive communiques and forward them to Wikileaks?…  Who was minding the store ?, and though of course the low ranking enlisted fellow has to be prosecuted,  heads of higher-ups will have to roll…  This is major damage that will be felt for years in so many ways…  Henceforth, is anyone going to trust speaking with our government officials?..  Whose head(s) will roll?..

Person of the Week: Barbara Bush

George H. W. Bush, Barbara Bush

Barbara Bush — wife of 41st U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush(pretty “Blue Blood” sounding name!) — Person of the Week:  for whatever it’s worth ( or not), firing the first volley on behalf of the Republican Party old guard against the perceived head of the Tea Party Movement

When recently this Barb stated matter-of-factly something to the effect that Sarah Palin was quite pretty and that she “ought to stay in Alaska”  , she seemed to be indicating  from deep within herself and the “old Guard”,   just as Palin counter punched, that certain ol’ politicos of the Grand Old Party were not too happy with the influences of upstart Tea Partyers… How dare the hoi polloi become involved in the Republican Party democratic process?…

Mrs. Bush might also,  as others have suggested, be trying to clear the field for her other son, if Jeb might later on decide to run for president.

Additionally, it is interesting that while George  W. Bush has chosen not to critique the Democratic President, his mother is not averse to taking pot shots at  fellow Republican Palin…

As indicated on this page once or twice before, would not be surprising if in vying to keep control of the Party, some ol’  insider Republican movers and shakers  might wind up unintentionally creating a circular firing squad, with a female “Blue Blood” firing the first volley…

Stop the World! — and throw off obnoxious and pathetically self-serving Alan Simpson: a Hero-in-his-own-Mind

Go to fullsize image

Ex Wyoming U.S. Senator Alan Simpson volunteered to be a Co Chairperson of President Obama’s Debt Reduction Commission…  Now he goes on television programs, alone or with the other Co Chairperson, Erskine Bowles, and tries to sell the commission’s recommendations by making disparaging remarks about the public and crying that for being on the commission he had to dish out $25,000 of his own cash for expenses…

What a joke…   He is a Hero in his own Mind…   Although through the years this writer has not been a  fan of Mr. Bowles, if anyone is going to try to sell the recommendations it  would be best if Bowles would take the lead,  and return ex Senator Simpson back to the Wyoming pasture…   What a joke…

By the way,  in the final report, is there any mention of cancelling the hugely expensive and monstrous National Health Law?

Just sayin’…

Potpourri Pan American: From Socialist Hugo talking to Pres. Obama, to Freedom of the Press… and to the Pope and condoms; and more

 Africa welcomes popes comments on condoms

[Photo from yahoo news…  “Africa welcomes pope’s comments on condoms”.]

Ponder this:

1.  Chavez: let’s eat “socialist arepas”, together, Obama  — you, know, eating Venezuelan corn patty tortillas:  Hugo wants President Obama to “come out” as the socialist the Venezuelan strongman believes he is…

2.  Who are the Federales? Who are the Taliban?  — Is the NATO “A team” running the show in Afghanistan or the “Three Stooges”?  Help!, the troopies deserve better…

3.  No wonder Pres. Obama has begun already, campaigning for 2012  —  economy 2011 looks bleak?

4.     Muslim chutzpah or something else?   — hey, they say, gotta build the Mosque with “911 grant monies”

5.  Ignorant or anti Americans: X Pres. Carter and Sen. Rockefeller —  or both…  What about Freedom of the Press?  You previously have read aboui the senator wishing he could ban news outlets, right?

6.  Hillary Clinton: don’t frisk me , nor scan me  —  that’s what Janet Napolitano says, too ( or as Mark Steyn calls her: Janet Incompelitano).

7.  Now,… ah,…ah,  you can use condoms  —  what about those already in hell for previously   using them without permission?… Just kiddin’…

8. History repeats itself   —  wrote about it here on May 26 and June 2, 2010, and  now the North Koreans strike again…

Person of the Week: Texas Governor Rick Perry

 Haley Barbour, Rick Perry

Governor    Rick Perry…

[Photo from AP — On the right, a casually dressed Perry (not Johnny Cash), reportedly the new Chairman of the Republican Governors’ Association.]

Some of his quotes from Business Week article, November 20, 2010, during the Republican Governor’s Conference in San Diego, California:

*“They’ve got to stop all these government-knows-best programs,” he said in the interview. “Quit telling us which light bulbs to have in our house, or which cars to drive, or how much salt we can put on our processed food. Why don’t you do all the things that are constitutionally directed, like defend our border?”…

*“I saw people who were really scared for the first time in their lives that their government was so out of touch with them,…” …

*Perry said that Representative John Boehner, a fellow Republican expected to be House majority leader in the new Congress, should push the idea of sending federal Medicaid grants to states without procedural requirements. That would halve health-care costs,…

*“You have to give those people who are paying the bulk of the taxes a reason to stay in the state,” he said. “There’s going to be some difficult days for California.” …

*Perry said New Mexico’s governor-elect, Suzanna Martinez, a fellow Republican, approached him in San Diego and said, “I’m going to steal your jobs.”…  Said Perry, “She gets it.”…

*“Texans elect folks like me,” he writes in his book. “The kind of guy who goes jogging in the morning, packing a Ruger .380 with laser sights and loaded with hollow-point bullets and shoots a coyote that is threatening his daughter’s dog.”

///  PanAm — a few things to continue thinking about.


Charlie Rangel: corrupt, but “censure” is all he will get?

[Photo from the NY Post…  Charlie doing the people’s business at his hidden hideaway office in the Caribbean]

Harlem Rep. Charles Rangel dozes on the beach at the Punta Cana Resort, where he owns and rents out a villa. He was squeezing in some vacation time before attending the Democratic convention.

Charlie Rangel from the 15th Congressional District of New York reportedly grew up in a family not known for wealth, but apparently pulled himself up by his bootstraps ( which is actually impossible to do) to become, in the not too distant past, the powerful Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives…  He was the first African-American to chair that committee and also is considered a founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus… Onward from 1971 when he first took his seat,  continually he wielded ever more growing clout in the HOUSE..

In a way, all that came crashing down on him when it became apparent that for years he had been hiding income and assets and enriching himself, while supposedly only working for the public good …  But under HOUSE rules probably all he will receive in punishment is Censure, which for all intents and purposes is a slap-on-the-wrist…  Another example of why most American citizens have such disdain for their elected officials…

Of course it is not known for how long nor with how much intensity the Tea Party style fervor will be politically active in the country, but it would be a real advancement in  fairness and equality for all Americans if pressure would continue to be exerted in order to make the rules of the American Legislative Bodies more stringent — so as to make it possible to punish wayward elected officials by more  than merely telling them “no, no…”.   Having served his country well in war-time does not give Charlie a pass, nor is being embarrassed before the HOUSE, enough…

Just sayin”

Potpourri Pan America: from Obama’s redistribution of wealth ideology, to Iran meddling in Latin America; and to laying the groundwork for Election 2012?, and more…


1.  “The drug war at our doorstep”  — Video/news article about the problems in Mexico…  If not at the doorstep, at least at the next door neighbor’s.

2..  American Neighbor, Guatemala, another failed state: anybody watching? — any government department checking this out?

3.    Waivers upon waivers by the U.S. Department of health and Human Services   — anybody you know cheering the Healthcare Law?!  Was this just another attempt at Redistribution of Wealth?

4.  Janet Napolitano didn’t even want to demonstrate the scanner — on herself, because it violated her privacy?  Is the TSA really handling security in the best possible manner?

5.  Smuggling tunnels, not in the Middle East, in Southern California ! — keep your eye on the ground… and on the air and all around…

6.  Iran, Venezuela and Nicaragua building a new trans isthmus canal? — has anyone noticed and are Costa Rican rights being protected?

7.    Dream Act in New England?  — will this Bill pass in the lame duck Congress as Pelosi and Obama have  indicated they desire?…  Is this just another attempt to expand and solidify Democratic support among Latinos, heading to the 2012 elections?

8.  From the time Pres. Obama took office, have our troops been dying in vain? — who is speaking up for them?  Just askin’…

Person of the Week: Governor Chris Christie

[Photo from the NY Daily News]

N.J. Gov. Chris Christie just finished a 15-state, 20,000-mile tour on behalf of Republican candidates.

Governor Christie, because of the practical financial effect he has had in New Jersey and for the symbolic and practical role he played in the recent midterm national elections.

He is not a dashing stereotypical politician, nor the kind who typically parses words or nuances answers so as to appear to be all things to all people, thereby setting the landscape so that he might walk-back comments he makes for which he shortly could find it expedient to disavow.

He simply wants government to cut spending and live within its means, as the political mantra has gone for years — but what appears to be different in the short stint as governor of his dysfunctional state is that he has actually sought to reduce the size of government, regardless of the push-back and blow-back from powerfully entrenched and vested interests there… 

Of course no one currently knows what long-lasting political success might come his way, if any, but his imprint is particularly noteworthy at this stage…

Mexico, Maine, U.S.A., and a message sent to the politicians?

[From the Portland, Maine Daily Photo]


In looking up information on the internet about the country of Mexico, up appeared the town of Mexico, Maine,  established on February 18, 1818 — according to Wikipedia (and others), the name was selected by the area town folk because at the time they were very much in favor of the country of Mexico’s campaign for independence from Spain and wanted to show their support for liberty…

As sometimes (or often times?)  happens when researching, the attention was diverted momentarily from the original objective to reading about the state of Maine because it became a point of special interest…

From previous national news accounts and from periodically reading grassroot accounts about Maine via a favorite most erudite blogger, Mainenowandthen, I was somewhat aware of the current political and social climate in that part of the country…  But apparently the results that came about in the midterm elections were nonetheless still quite remarkable in Maine…  Remarkable just as they were in many other parts of the country…

Conditions change through the years and through the centuries, and seemingly, just as the people in Maine in 1818 were interested in supporting  the hopes and aspirations of  the people in another country, in November 2010 significant numbers of them showed they were going to  express their political viewpoint in support  of their own particular wishes and hopes for a new direction in their state’s future…

Just sayin’…

Potpourri Pan America: from waterboarding to Security Council, from turbans to Bernanke, and more

George W. Bush at his office in Dallas

Ponder this:

1.  Bush — Waterboarding to save lives?   In a nanosecond… 

2.  Bernanke — Has the gov’t learned anything about the financial mess yet

3.  Don’t frisk our turbans, Mr. President — but does Napolitano keep on frisking people’s private parts?…  By the way, reportedly the Secretary of Homeland Security refused to use herself to demonstrate the body scan machines

4.  Good move on supporting India to the Security Council ? — with Russia and China renewing and enhancing their  cooperativeness, makes sense that economically growing  power house India ( though geographically-militarily-politically isolated) would make a good partner for the U.S.A.,?

5.  Illinois to drag it’s heels in certifying the election of Republican U.S. Senator? — Mr. President, say it ain’t so — tell your friends in Chicago to let-the-senator-go, now…

6.  Subpoena this, you say? — let’s get ready to rum———–  ble-e-e

7.  American terrorist freed in Peru — will she be on Oprah, and who all will fawn over her?

Person of the Week: Pres. Obama

[Photo from the American Thinker Blog: Pres. Obama bowing deeply to the Saudi King]

[Phobowing down to Islamist monarch

Person of the Week:  for in less than 2 years squandering the political goodwill he amassed among some during the presidential campaign,  uniting the fractured Republican Party into a force once again, and for spotlighting his ideological haughtiness in attempting to change what America is, as well as for his  failure to respect the rights of the political minority in the country in such an extreme fashion that he gave rise to the grassroots TEA PARTY — which seemingly has begun to derail his political ideological agenda. 

And, finally, because he seems still to be unable to accept the negative role he has played in the debacle….

President Obama: what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is negotiable?… Also, anyone at the White House ever read ol’ Tocqueville?

Way back, John F. Kennedy once said about the Soviets and Nikita Khrushchev something to the effect that when the Communists said they wanted to negotiate things, their style of negotiation was to say “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is negotiable”.

That has been the ploy of President Obama , up to now…  

That conflicted muddled thinking began when he was elected and he misinterpreted the result as meaning that significant numbers of Americans believed as he seems to think —  that among the world of nations there is nothing  exceptional about The United States of America and that his election proved overwhelmingly that Americans share his view that this country is greatly deficient, and similarly, share his view that he himself is such a great leader that without hesitation everyone must walk lockstep with him wherever he chooses to lead the country…  

Wrong,  in  so many ways…

Even after the spanking he received in the recent election, he truly does not seem to get it, that he is out of step with the nation and he does not grasp the exceptionalism of the country.

And now, he again wants the  Congressional leadership to go to the White House to meet with him, apparently under his control and with him as the moderator, to  discuss compromises!

That might be a mistake, especially for the newly empowered Republican Party, if they attend under the same ground rules as before, with the president moderating ( and belittling), and controlling the tempo and attempting to score points before the cameras… 

The President might again act as an absolutist potentate,  merely playing  the optics game to try to convince the citizenry that he is a sensitive leader, willing to negotiate with the minority party, but actually merely saying to his perceived political enemies : what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is negotiable”….

Potpourri Pan America: from massacres in Iraq to President Obama calling some Americans his enemies, to ceding sovereignty to the U.N.(?), and more


[From the TELEGRAPH — The pope condemns the attack on the Christian community.]

The Pope has condemned Sunday's al-Qaeda attack on one of Baghdad's largest Catholic churches, in which scores of worshippers were killed after being caught in the middle of a shoot-out with security forces.

1.  Say it aint so, Hugo now wants to do away with golf courses?! — now that’s really going too far…

2.  Obama declares Americans his enemies? — is this the change he has been talking about?!  No thank you…

3.  “ABC News” does not want people to hear conservative views?  — election day and night coverage to stifle non liberal analysts? Let’s see how that plays out, but their credibility has already been hurt…

4.  See, more massacres in Iraq due to President Obama’s failures  ?– how many are noticing and how many care?

5.  President Obama misled America of how a unifier he would be? —  he misinterpreted why he received the votes to become president, and it seems his Party will pay at the ballot box…

6.  Mass liberal media favored the Stewart Rally over the Beck one? — certainly looked like it — attendance numbers were inflated whereas for Beck, deflated

7.  The U.S.A. to allow the U.N. to judge and tell America how it violates “Human Rights”?   — beginning to give away American sovereignty? More change coming?

Person of the Week: Kendrick Meek

 [Photo from The Epoch Times]

For being a pretty good symbol ( another poster figure) of how easily human beings can become expendable in the eyes of narcissistic others who want to get their way by hook or by crook —  narcissists  Bill Clinton, Charlie Crist and Barack Obama come to mind…

Bill Clinton, business as usual: looking out for “number 1”, and fellow narcissist Charlie Crist a close second

 [Photo from Washington Post]

Anybody looking out for meek Meek?

For some it is never too early or soon enough — ex-president Clinton continues to prepare the field for his wife in anticipation of  the 2016 election, or the one before if President Obama would decline  to run for a second term…  Narcissistic  Bill can almost taste being back in the White House, to wreak more havoc here and yonder… 

He has been campaigning near and far for those politicians who supported his wife in her recently failed presidential bid, apparently trying to cement their support for Hillary Clinton in a future run… 

And, reportedly, he recently attempted to get Democratic Meek from Florida to drop out of the Senatorial race in favor of Charlie Crist, since Meek is trailing both Crist and Rubio in that race — Crist has already said he will caucus with the Demos if he is elected…  Bill Clinton believes that Crist has a better chance of winning the position with Meek dropping out, and if Bill thus ingratiates himself enough with Crist, Hillary Clinton would have another powerful ally in her future bid for the presidency if Crist wins…

How many narcissists are there?:  Charlie Crist and Bill Clinton, two shady characters in a pod, with Barack Obama looking over them.

Just sayin’…

“Ground Zero” mosque loses the support of a major Muslim benefactor?

[photo from]

Stock Photography - friday prayer  in mosque, kuching  sarawak, borneo  malaysia. fotosearch  - search stock  photos, pictures,  wall murals, images,  and photo clipart

Prince Alwaleed’s views carry weight?  — will his views sway the developer(s), who reportedly had financial problems already…  [The prince reportedly expressed common sensical as well as religious concerns.l

Potpourri Pan America: What is wrong with the word “creator”, has President Obama “lost” Afghanistan, and more


View Image

1.  What does does President Obama have against “our Creator”? — he seems to have some strange ideas…

2.  Real Clear Politics:  what’s the latest? — there will be significant changes, if those who are upset with the status quo, vote in large numbers…

3.  Marco Rubio — eloquent and decisive? — maybe even with CRIST in the race, RUBIO will be heading to the Senate…

4.  Is anyone at the White House keeping an eye on Iran? —  It’s all over the place, including in America’s backyard in Latin America, but no one seems to notice…

5.  What is the Obama policy against “leaks” and how serious is the Administration about it? — maybe not too serious?

6.  Iran (oops), there is that name again, and Venezuela, at it again…

Person of the week: French President Sarkozy

 [Photo from Yahoo] View Image

President Sarkozy:  for showing the political will to lead the fight to block the tide in his own country of historically bad public policies that are ruining the economies of countless countries of the world because of bad fiscal policies in place…  Governmental reforms of unfunded pension systems and of retirement ages, as well as of other economic policies are inevitable if future generations are to live fruitful lives in all countries of the world…  The changes will not be painless and will face tremendous pushback from effected segments of society,  but are necessary…   America take notice…

Obama was elected president, not omnipotent potentate

 [illustration from FreakingNews.Com]

The president is hitting the campaign trail, in a frenetic attempt to reverse the voter Tsunami he seems to fear is headed toward his Party in November…

But he does not seem to have learned much about America in the time he has been in office — he alludes to those who have legitimate concerns about his policies and his management style as base, ignorant, fearful people, seemingly thinking that they are not as intelligent nor as sophisticated as he… Rather than inspire, he denigrates, a la Jimmy Carter…

 He does not understand a significant part of America, and rather than try to understand those people, he lashes out at them in a  divisive manner, attempting to demean them.. . 

His slogans during his presidential campaign of unifying the country and of being a different kind  of politician were apparently ploys, and although he does represent real change, the change he has wrought is that coming from  the worse kind of politicians, not of the uplifting kind that some believed he would be… 

And when segments of the electorate complain, rather than engaging in worthwhile introspection he attacks the voters he is supposed to represent because they are not in lockstep with him…

He was elected President of the United States of America, not omnipotent potentate.

Potpourri Pan America: Bring the troops home? Vote suppression or sending a valid message? And More


[photo from CBCNews]

A burning car is seen Saturday near the main gate of NATO's headquarters in Afghanistan's capital, Kabul.

1.  A Latino pays for a politica ad asking Latinos not to vote in the Nevada election — to send a message to the Demos that they ought not be “pimped”     — a kind of dirty trick vote suppression, or a legitimate way to send a political message to the Demos?

2. Courts continue to legislate  — regardless of the topic, does anyone care of actions of the Courts?

3.  Football refs and coaches work for the advertisers?     —   who really calls the shots?

4.  Is it a Demo scam?     — Pelosi will not run for Speaker even if Demos maintain control?

5.  Grayson — king of negativity — complains about the same?   — some politicians have no shame and treat voters as stupid lugs?

6.  Bring the troops home now — Obama is just posturing?  — not another American ought to die over there the way the Commander-in-Chief mismanages things.

Another example of the present Administration not managing well the nation’s interests in Latin America

[photo from Reuters]

It is great that the American government,  American press and public  has spent an extraordinary amount of time paying attention to the averted human disaster in the Chilean copper mine, but politically and militarily, is anyone doing a good job of controlling  U.S.  strategic interests in our international backyard?  This topic or variations of it have continually been written about on this page…  Hugo Chavez and others in the Latin American region have been cozying up to Russia and China and there appears to be very little managing of the problem  from the American government.

People are asleep-at-the-wheel and few seem to notice…   Just sayin’…

Persons of the WeeK — the Chilean miners

The Chilean miners collectively who for days persevered deep underground without contact from the world up above and then remained united and had the physical and spiritual stamina to await being rescued from their tomb of  the living — a feel good story for the world that finds itself in turmoil of various kinds and of course an almost unbelievable outcome for the rescued men and their families…

Potpourri Pan America: from NFL hypocrisy to Greedy Soros crying in his currency and Gory Vidal still being angry, and more


[photo from Sports Illustrated]

1.  Hypocritical NFL hires swim model as its spokesperson  —  the NFL “Big Brother”,  purportedly investigating and arguing against the exploitation of women by men, uses the demurely dressed swim suit model solely for her intellectual abilities?!…  Yeah, right! 

2.  Hugo Chavez supports China  —  whatever one’s view is of the Nobel Peace Prize, these shenanigans further show whose side Hugo is on…

3.  Israel defends itself against a full court press     —  Mahmoud Abbas has said that the Arabs will never accept Israel as a Jewish state — knowing Israel is being pressed to appease them, Israel says, “wait a minute”…

4.  Black Republicans present a good argument    —  against the supporters of Obama who blame racism for the political opposition the president receives…   Yes, being a Black Republican is nothing new   — a glimpse of Condi

5.  TIME magazine critiques Obama    —   sort of… 

6.   Greedy Soros only “bets” on politicians he can control?  —   so he more or else is not throwing his money to the Demos this time because he fears an opposing landslide…

7.  Gore Vidal, still a flamethrower?        —  Gory Vidal: still angrily playing the role of a pseudo deep thinker…

Person of the Week Newt Gingrich — Demos: the Party of Food Stamps / Repubs: the Party of Paychecks

Although the writer is not necessarily a proponent of Newt Gingrich, he is selected the Person of the Week for proposing that the Demos are the “Party of Food Stamps” and the Repubs the “Party of Paychecks”…  Catchy, and so in the “world of sound bites” the phrase communicates concisely and memorably the choices he sees between the two political parties — during the current political campaign…

NFL investigates Brett Favre? Another “Big Brother” taking over people’s lives?

NFL reviewing allegations involving Brett Favre  Jenn Sterger

Sexual discrimination, exploitation and harassment, to name just a few violations from the “sex realm”,  are to one degree or another, against the law…  Now the “National Football League” is investigating news stories that relate to Brett Favre supposedly engaged in one or more sexually oriented texting and in the transmitting of nude photos to another adult… 

If Favre did so, is it sleazy?…  I would say so, but let someone bring charges against him and let the law handle the matter if laws have been violated…  Plus let his family deal with it…

Of course some are going to say that the point of view expressed above shows a lack of understanding of the issue or a lack of respect for women…  Far from the truth…

The only point being made here,  not because it is made intentionally, is that the NFL could be overstepping its bound by continually going into this and that sleazy affair and acting like a sports “Big Brother”…

The press(!) already is having a field day with the matter…  Let the law handle things if any laws have been broken…  Are more Big Brothers needed in life, such as the NFL continually looking into all aspects of certain people’s lives?

Just sayin’…

Potpourri Pan America: Life in America, and for America around the world, is not as it ought to be, and more


AP Photo:                                                                         

    Kabul Explosion

1.  Anybody keeping up with South America/ — Hugo keeps doing his thing while things meander elsewhere.

2. Does anybody notice the Taliban? — Does anybody care, or is it all just politics?

3.  Black Americans still support the President    —    other  segments not so much…  But the political machine is still there, churning…

4.  Middle East policy is in chaos? — who is in  charge of the American federales?

5.  Business leaders not happy campers  — come on, government leaders, do your jobs on the economy or leave in November, if not before.

6.  America, for sale-on-the-cheap     —  is this the change for which people voted?

7.  What’s with peace activists only being critical of Israel?       —  while Europe trembles before Middle Eastern  terrorists?  Or is that the reason?!

8.  Haute couture — say what?

Photo from The Smoking Gun

saggy pants

Person of the Week: Nicandra (Santillan) Diaz, aka “Nicky”

Housekeeper “Nicky”,  an illegal immigrant who at one time worked for California Republican gubernatorial candidate Whitman –for years the housekeeper falsely claimed she was a legal American resident, was hired through an American employment agency and  presented false documents that ostensibly showed she was legally here —  brought charges that she was illegally hired by Mrs. Whitman and had to work under deplorable subhuman conditions… 

Ms Diaz, represented by famous or infamous California attorney Gloria Allred (supporter of Jerry Brown, Democratic candidate for governor), is selected as Person of the Week for showing that reality has been turned upside down when (under peculiar circumstances) a foreign citizen, in the country illegally, can have a profound impact on American elections, while the American press and some voters seemingly consider the matter a normal occurrence… 

 Is it any wonder that the American electorate appears to be  fed up?  Remains to be seen…

Pres. Obama re Afghanistan operations: “… I can’t let this be a war without end, and I can’t lose the whole Democratic Party…”?

Larger view

Below: From —

Have not read the latest Woodward book but have read excerpts and heard him interviewed… Brings to mind: on the subject of Americans losing lives there, military families broken apart because their military members are repeatedly deployed overseas and the American military of all branches ( but especially the Army and Marines) being in a state of constant super stress and  institutional fatigue, the president is quoted as saying,  … ” I can’t let this be a war without end, and I can’t lose the whole Democratic Party.”…       

Under specific circumstances, if that is the way the president sees things, not one more American troop ought to die there…  He ought to tell everyone to pack up and come home and let the American people know he is doing that, today…  He has wasted time … He ought not play politics with the nations armed forces and he ought to be honest with the American people…  If his decisions are based on sound logic, he can have a clear conscience…  Whether the American public will see him as a failure will be left to history

But what he seems to be doing is playing politics so as to be seen as having won America’s war in Afghanistan, while not directly saying so…  Additionally, he apparently complains that the military only gave him one option, but what is more likely the case is that he tried to use the military brass to present him with several options that would give him cover so that if the Afghan campaign failed, he could blame the military options… 

Moreover, with the limitations the president placed on the military with the openly scheduled pull out dates and the increased American objectives he created, while providing insufficient boots on the ground,  the military apparently could muster only one option (with caveats) that might bear fruit, but even that one President Obama slashed and then took months before he gave the go-ahead on the plan…

The military gave him an option, but also made it quite clear, privately and publicly, that there would be no fast quick fixes, that success would have to be a longer term commitment… The president didn’t like to hear that…

It seems the president wanted the military brass to give him a plan in which they would say the war could be won in 6 months, with a relatively few thousand troops,  or  a plan that would guarantee that in 6 months the Afghan national civilian government would be in complete control of the countryside…

Preposterous…  Preposterous because he was asking the military to do the impossible and because he wanted to have them be the scapegoats for his failure to understand the real problem, while he was  mainly concerned with his political future …  Absurd…

 Tankers burn  and Tankers burn some more , cutting supply lines to Afghanistan, while al-Sadr regains stature in Iraq — the best that can be said is that the president is sadly lacking….

[In previous posts this administrator has written about the possibility of a well run fair military draft being instituted and about current shortcomings in Iraq and Afghanistan by the present Administration.  Of course the problem is complex, and no attempt to simplify it is being made here — only to suggest the weaknesses shown by the White House]

Potpourri Pan America: “Buck up”, the president says, to whom? And more…


[From Wikipedia]

West Bank & Gaza Map 2007 (Settlements).png

1.  President Obama wants his supporters to “buck up”                      —  but he himself continually fails to “buck up” to his failures.

2.  And you thought picking up the tab for your mother-in-law’s family was expensive  — how ’bout them apples.

3.  Obama pushes Israel to compromise with the Palestinians without understanding the risks and politics of the Israelis  —  President Obama pushes to get prompt results so as to campaign on his “successes”, regardless of the cost to Israel?…

4.  For all practical purposes, capital executions in California do not exist — whether at the local, state or federal level, California opposes capital punishment?

5.  Things don’t get better — Poor Mexico : still some try to do good and pay with their lives…

Person of the week: John Boehner

 John Boehner

Reportedly the New York TIMES  (with likely support/encouragement  from the Obama White House) is preparing a (hit piece?) story about the Congressional Republican leader — to influence the November elections by helping  the Democratic Party… The dirty tricks releasing of such a story so close to the elections will help President Obama’s agenda and his Democratic Party supporters….  Reminds a bit of the hit piece by Dan Rather on Bush so close to the presidential election awhile back…

A laundry list: politically wishy washy?

On the road this weekend…  Just read, among several things,  that “Obama seeks to curb ruling on gays in the military”…  Whether this or that, in domestic matters or international ones, President Obama seems to be too much at the whim of his advisors and buffeted by the winds of political polls…  He says whatever he believes will help him politically overall…  Does not seem to lead from principled positions…

Among some here and throughout the world, it seems his leadership deficiencies have brought significant numbers of  people to think that America is in decline — and of course that perception is not welcomed nor desired… 

Elections in November ought to be a good gauge of how involved and unhappy/happy Americans are with the current political and practical  messes emanating from the White House…  Unless they “stay home” on election day…

Potpourrie Pan America: The president goes to a Christian church to show he is not a Muslim; plays racial politics; attacks Tea Partyers and more


[AP Photo]

President Barack Obama has a word with Rev. Luis Leon as he leaves St. John's Episcopal Church after attending services in Washington, Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

1.  Mascots tussle  —  we’re number 1, we’re number 1!!!   It’s football time…  immature tussles, like those wanting to assault the Tea Partyers…

2.  Colin trying to be significant — be honest, Colin, you hire illegals until you blurt it out and get caught… 

3.  Even the Swedes are beginning to be fed up — of illegal immigration and Fatwas.

4.  See America, I am not a Muslim, I go to church — when it is politically necessary?!

5.  It’s not only Obama, but Clinton too attacking the Tea Party Movement — political Dirty Tricks : White House wants to assault the Tea Party Movement with the aid of the New York Times(?), but do they know who the Tea Partyers are!

6.  Obama makes racial appeal   — to Blacks…

7.  Carter          — exit stage left!, have you no shame, Mr. Carter/Mr. Clinton —  Get out of the way…

8.  Who’s this?:


Person of the Week: French president Nicolas Sarkozy

[ Photo from TIME]

Although there were a number of people who from this standpoint could have been selected this week (such as Christine O’Donnell of Delaware), Sarkozy was selected because his confrontation with the European Union is an indication of how nations, if not careful and vigilant,  can begin to lose their sovereignty when they are members of super international organizations…   President Sarkozy‘s policy is a distinct contrast to the actions of President Obama…

*****  Referring to Sarkozy’s actions of expelling illegal immigrants from France,  “…  E.U. Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding had denounced France’s deportation policy as “disgraceful,” saying it probably breached E.U. law…”

Some Republicans are some of the worse enemies of their own party?

Aging prima donna Charlie Crist in Florida quits his Party when he concludes he cannot possibly win his Party’s nomination for U.S. Senator, and proceeds to badmouth Republican Marco Rubio, as well as doing the same to the Republican Party as a whole, while  cozying up to Obama and Biden…

Republican Christine O’Donnell defeats Congressman Castle for the U.S. Senate position in Delaware and Castle’s people attack her the next day, vehemently, and their boss as of late Thursday had not called the lady to congratulate her and pledge his support…

U.S. Senator Murkowski has not endorsed Miller, who defeated her in the U.S. Senate Republican primary race in Alaska not too long ago…

And it seems the Republican Party organization has been in a quandary at times about whether to support whomever the party electorate elects, in its own primaries…  Whether you like the winner or not, there ought to be no hesitation, people… It’s your primary…

President Obama and his Party have created plenty of problems for traditional America, and they have foisted those problems on all Americans because their political machine apparently misunderstands what the values are that have made America exceptional

But despite the Democrats reportedly in a precarious position with the American electorate, nonetheless, if the Republican Party fails to achieve significant positive results in the November elections against them, would not be surprising if  it will be because of the failures of Republican candidates who were sore losers and because of the shortcomings of some of the ol’  fogies of the  Republican state and national organizations… Get-your-head-out, people

Reggie Bush, selfish to the rotten core

[Photo from L.A. Times]

Reggie Bush

Reggie Bush, never a true Heisman, but should America care?  Reggie Bush, selfish to the rotten core

Potpourri Pan America: from Castro and Obama to Evo and Bloomberg, and more


[photo from Wikipedia]

1.  Bloomberg financial news expands in the Middle East    — are personal financial reasons some of the reasons why Michael Bloomberg has been so argumentative about having the mosque built in the area of “ground zero”?…

2.  Cuban gov’t laments that Pres. Obama has not yet closed Gitmo — in Spanish — if one reads between the lines in continual comments here and there, it seems the Obama Administration and Communist Cuba are speaking behind the scenes in order to open up relations.

3.  Administration plays with words? — combat troops still in country doing dangerous work.

4.  Regardless of what is said, the Border is not secure  — and the power of the drug cartels continues to expand this side of the border.

5.  Evo in Bolivia continuous assault on freedom of expression and of the press — if anyone in the news media says something the government decrees is racist, that news organization and those reporting can be jailed.

Person of the Week: Pastor Jones

 [Photo from Washington Post]

Afghans shout anti-U.S. slogans as they burn tires and block a highway during a protest in reaction to a small American church's plan to burn copies of the Quran, at Jalalabad, east of Kabul, Afghanistan, Friday, Sept. 10, 2010. Religious and political leaders across the Muslim world welcomed a decision by the church to suspend its plans to torch copies of their holy book but some said Friday the damage has already been done. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)

Pastor Terry Jones, whether anyone is supportive or not of his originally stated intent to burn copy(ies) of the Muslim religious book in order to make a point, is selected as the person of the week…

In this age of instant worldwide communication, it is noteworthy that any single person can have so much influence, but also noteworthy that through threatened violence against persons and property by those who opposed the pastor’s actions, the leadership of the United States of America has come out so strongly against the burning issue so as not to antagonize the Muslims.

Additionally, the proponents of building the mosque so close to “ground Zero” have also now stated that if the mosque is not built at its presently desired site, that too will inflame the muslim extremists, world-wide,  so for America’s safety, they say, the mosque needs to be built

Food for thought…

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news — Pres. Obama still playing more politics with the “stimulus”, and Castro and Sharpton need to save face?


[Photo from Wikipedia]

1.  Castro seeks lifting of sanctions? — The man wants to save face,  at the end of his life, after causing so much pain?!

2.  No Jewish state say the Palestinians?   — who is fooling whom?

3.  No combat roles? — troops still in battle, another example.

4.  More stimulus monies wanted, in order to gain votes in November? — surely seems that way… 

5.  Just trying to defend his castle — but, no-o-o-o-ooooooooooo…  What ought to be up is now down?

6.  Al Sharpton a deadbeat? — who pays for his suits and travels to Arizona?

Person of the Week: Karel De Gucht

[Photo from Wall Street Journal]


  In commenting on the recent push to get Israel and the Palestinians to reach an agreement on a Palestinian state, current European Union Trade Minister/former Belgian Foreign Minister De Gucht indicated that in any discussions, the Jews seem to think they are always right, and so suggested that past failures to reach agreements  with the Palestinians were essentially the fault of the state of Israel, and that the future of negotiations would result in failures because of the intransigence(?!) of Israel…

Europeans in general — and some significantly important Americans — seem to think that if Israel and the world capitulate to Arab demands (here and there and else where), Israel in particular and the world in general will be eternally safe

The Belgian fellow and his cohorts (as well as some Americans) seem to follow in the steps of their European ancestors who believed that by appeasing  Hitler and his Nazi minions, the world forever more would be a more peaceful and harmonious place…


College Football season 2010 has begun!


Some good college football games were on tap already last night, with even a quasi upset on the menu with Utah upending Pitt, and a full lineup of games coming up tomorrow… Check the Sports: Sites…

Good luck to everyone’s favorites…

Hook ’em!…

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news — Commonsense America and Glenn Beck vs the world of the nonsensical?, and more


[Photo from the Washington Post]  Were there only one thousand there? Huh? 



1.  Wait just a minute, why don’t we?! — a certain portion of the news media labeled it “the Beck Rally” and the “Conservative Rally” or the ‘White Rally”…   Why the editorializing? And why the attempt to destroy Beck?

2.  It’s not about being a liberal or a conservative — for some politicians it’s just about putting “free” money in their pocket…  And what’s Rep.  Rangel doing lately?

3.   Kerry (Mass.)and Crist (Florida) have a lot in common — say anything to try to get elected.

4.  Network news in someone’s pocket? — does anyone doubt it?

5.  Blaming the “tea party” again — what’s up in San Antonio, again?!

6.  Obama — Let’s hope the troops did not die in vain…  Pres. Obama alters speech a bit to counter the Saturday rally?

Glenn Beck — Person of the Week…

[photo from Wikipedia]

Talking head competitors of Mr. Beck continually complain that all the man craves is personal publicity, and blast him for this and that and decry the publicity, influence and money he garners…

Regardless of the outcome Saturday, for this weekend and throughout the year drawing the attention of his friends, as well as that of his foes, he is selected the Person of the Week

It seems that some of Glenn Beck’s cable and network whining competitors  simply resent that he is audacious and has gained higher television ratings and financial earnings than they — within a much shorter time frame than theirs…

Just sayin’

Backdoor immigration amnesty – the rumors turn out to be facts

For months there have surfaced rumors that the Obama Administration is feverishly seeking to find ways to keep the Latino voting bloc in its corner for the November elections — from considering presidential pardons for illegal immigrants to suing the state of Arizona to investigating Sheriff Arpaio in Maricopa County, Arizona…

Now it comes out that the latest step is for I.C.E. to stop processing as many deportation cases as possible…

It’s all about keeping the voting blocs in place and working to assure the current Democratic majorities in Washington continue…  That’s the new politics, folks…

General Conway’s words are noteworthy, especially since he is soon retiring

[Gen. Conway photo from Wikipedia] James T. Conroy

The situations in Iraq and Afghanistan are still trying ones, especially because of the president’s scheduling of withdrawal dates  for American troops…  Increased bombing of civilian targets, as well as military ones, shows that the enemy is quite cognizant that the Americans will not long play a leading role in the  two countries and that the local troops are not ready yet to stand on their own… 

Marine General Conway’s recent comments purposefully bring attention to those spheres in a pointed way, and present an opportunity to repeat a post from July 16 that has a bearing on the topic…

July 16:

Considering the reported ongoing difficulties there, it seems from this vantage point that before too long President Obama is going to declare victory in Afghanistan, maybe sometime between the November Elections and next summer, when the first troops are scheduled to begin withdrawing from the country…

He is in a quandary, though, because he does not want the stigma of being the U.S. President who lost the Afghan War…  But when he initially set a deadline as to when to begin pulling troops out, and at the same time decided to go small in the deployment of needed troops while expanding the role of the military mission, he seemingly erred in a grand way, and that decision is squarely on his shoulders…

Given that the president has a tendency to avoid accepting responsibility, a long tendency to blame the previous administration for everything, it would be no surprise if his advisors have been at work from day one of his presidency drafting arguments on how best to blame President Bush for the Afghanistan failures of the Obama Administration…

Just sayin’…

Potpourri Pan America: headline news – better to practice the golf swing than religion… And more…


{From Wikipedia]

File:P christianity.svg

1.  Obama interested in “convincing” Americans he plays golf, not that he’s a practicing Christian — seems like it…

2.  Hugo Chavez’s Socialism not helpful to the poor — but facts don’t bother him…

3.  “Los Zetas” in Los Angeles! — but legalizing drugs will help?

4.  Does “this” have an effect on Democratic Party calculations? — seems like it…

5.  It’s worth reviewing — How are things in Venezuela, how are thing turning out??

6.  Even Paul has said unemployment might be higher in 2 years — but the president is not mentioned?


Person of the Week: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, left, executive director ...[AP photo]

For his participation in the proposed Islamic Center in New York City, as well as his being selected by the Obama Administration to be an emissary to the Islamic World — and thus being an attention lightening rod,  for better or worse?…

PanAm will not post today because of other commitments

Thank you.

Governor Paterson on the move for the “big mosque move”?

Will Governor Paterson fly in to save the day, or is it all puff?  And will that earn him a reprieve?

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news – Obama, Elvis is alive (in pics), Hamas, Governor Paterson, and more


[Photo from the “Mail on-line”]

Almost 3,000 people died on September 11, 2001, after Muslim hijackers flew two hijacked jetliners into the centre's Twin Towers

1.  Obama backtracks? /  Hamas and Obama say build baby build  ? — how about some sensibility, understanding and respect – lest we forget!..  And Governor Paterson is trying to be responsive, it seems?!

2.  No wonder no one is at the rudder — too many top priorities.

3.  O.K. folks, pay your higher taxes — in some weird thinking, the spin is that it’s Bush’s fault? !

4.  Cut Food Stamps for the First Lady’s pet project! — what’s going on?

5.  The border is volatile and takes a toll — ask the families of the dead Border Patrol guys.

6.  Machines are winning! — and, the government! Ray would say that..

7.  A no gender world?! — it’s a mad world we live in

8.  Government workers (teachers) vs the press — let’s see how it all turns out. Can the students read?

9.  America collapsing? — one man’s opinion, but stay alert.

10. A simpler life — Elvis, remember him?     — Come back, Elvis, where ever you are… Nice pictures

Person of the Week: Steven Slater

[Photo from Facebook]

Steven Slater:Steven Slater

Regardless of the circumstances preceding Cabin Attendant Slater‘s dramatic slide from the JetBlue aircraft, to him a plastic cup toast filled with a beverage of whatever is one’s choice (for him, a brewski), for doing it his way…   Now wait for the reality show, as well as the Sunday T.V. talking heads and newspaper columnists give their erudite analyses — including why the chicken crossed the road and what  Nietzche and Al Gore would say to us all about the meaning of the whole episode as it pertains to the world as we knew it pre Slater and post Slater… Prepare to take notes…

“Nuff said”… 

The “emperor” wears no clothes, and more people are noticing?

[Drawing from TheRealRevo.Com]

In 1837 as a part of Fairy Tales Told for Children, a short story entitled “The Emperor’s New Clothes” was published…  Of course most are familiar with the tale so only briefly paraphrasing it, it was about a ruler of long ago who was so consumed by his feelings of self-worth (because his minion ministers and gushing public around him played to his perception),  that at a certain point he was led to believe, or he convinced himself, that he was wearing the most beautiful clothes made of the finest weave — and that only the most astute and intelligent could see the clothes he was wearing for the ignorant and unworthy ones would be blind to them…  You get the point, especially if you are familiar with the old tale young and old alike have read… 

When the emperor in one of his final most deceptive acts marched before his subjects wearing not a stitch, while believing he was wearing the finest threads, most observers initially commented that the garments were oh, so luxurious,… and the ruler basked in the light of his own self-importance… 

But a child, after straining his neck to get a better look at the acclaimed national leader wearing his finest wardrobe, and rubbing his eyes clear to make sure he indeed was seeing what the others around were purporting to marvel at, finally blurted innocently that “the emperor ain’t got no clothes”, or something to that effect… And the emperor then and there realized the folly of his charade, but he continued his parade, with vigor…

When will President Obama’s moment of realization arrive, or has it already arrived though nonetheless he marches the country here and yonder, based on his ideology…

As written on this page on March 16, 2010, …”The president seems to see things as whatever he wishes they might be and then tries to convince people his perceptions of the present are actual reality, when  factually they often are simply his wishful thinking… “…  And many in the news media heretofore have enabled him to proceed in his quixotic journey…  But even from the left, more and more are saying they will march to the beat of the emperor’s drum no longer…

The “emperor” in tatters, or worse?

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news — from President Obama’s missing coattails, to the First Lady’s traveling, and much more


First Lady Michelle Obama

1.  Selling secrets to China pays — is anybody paying attention to South America and Asia?

2.  Hugo Chavez provides 30% inflation for Venezuela — another leftist messing up the economy.

3.  The First Lady’s junket to Spain did not get the desired positive reaction from the Latino news media — even the Spanish media powerhouse UNIVISION  runs critical stories about the costly trip… 

4.  Forces of Pres. Evo Morales of Bolivia will train civilian militias  — to keep himself in power through force, if needed.

5.  Mexico plans to sue BP and the U.S.A. — I thought we were on the same team.

6.  In Election year, Democrats trying to run and hide from what they have done in Congress — they are simply scared?…

7.  Weirder and weirder: Ex Pres. Fox want to surrender to the drug cartels — legalize street drugs and declare victory…  Sounds like some in the U.S.A.

8.  President Obama in Texas and state and local Democratic politicians run from him — nobody wants to hold on to his coattails

9.  Even Maureen Dowd was down on the First Lady — now that says something because she seems to think Democrats walk on water.

10.  Kudlow: Panic in the White House? — what now, circular firing squad?

Person of the Week: Michelle Obama

[Photo from Huffington Post]

Some say Michelle Obama is the 21st Century Jackie Kennedy, but by pampering herself and splurging at one of Europe’s playgrounds for the rich and famous, Marbella, Spain (while average Americans struggle to feed their children and pay their mortgages), she has shown she is stereotypically more like in-your-face 18th Century Marie Antoinette… 

And she apparently feels no remorse that the American taxpayer is footing the bill for a good portion of her expenses,… while she provides an economic stimulus, for Europe… “Let them eat torta“,  she seems to say (if they can afford it!)…

Stop the madness — it’s time to get off…

Just sayin’…

The Obama Administration leadership in Iraq and Afghanistan has been deficient?

[ Photo from Wikipedia]

It could be said that Tariq Aziz, former trusted lieutenant of the Saddam Hussein Iraqi government, is simply continuing the anti -American rhetoric of the departed strongman of many years past when among other charges he states that Obama is leaving Iraq to the wolves because of the policies put in place there when the president became America’s  governmental leader… 

But not so fast on the assumptions because many in this country also envisioned the many dangers that have been lurking ever since during the campaign when then candidate Obama made his future course of action in Iraq clear…  In this writer’s humble view the President Obama did a disservice to the American nation and to the government in place here then when publically he let the opposition know in Iraq and in Iran that combat operations in Iraq by the American military under him would come to an end on his schedule…

Bad judgment then and now.

The president seems to see things as whatever he wishes they might be and then tries to convince people his perceptions of the present are actual reality, when  factually they often are simply his wishful thinking… Troops continue to die, but meanwhile his military decisions seem to be based on  a hodge-podge series of ideas that have little or no sensible rationale other than his seeming desire to declare victory in Iraq and Afghanistan, and then proceed to convince people he won two wars… 

Bad perceptions, bad judgments, bad courses of action…

Iraq and Afghanistan could turn out to be America’s failures, failures because President Obama led the country to those failures… Regardless of the rationalization of some, The buck stops with him

Does the majority of the voting public understand what is happening and will it vote to send him a message in November?

Just sayin’…

Republicans to shoot themselves on the collective foot?

[AP Photo]

Mitch McConnell

Being involved with the idea of restricting citizenship even though someone is born in the U.S.A .  will likely hurt the Republicans…  Hel-lo-o-o-o!… Who is manning the rudder for that Party?.. .. They are surely in danger of snatching defeats from the jaws of possible victories….

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news — Maricopa County sheriff is singled out, Obama of Velcro, and more


Is Waters in hot water?

1.  Arizona: the Drug Cartels threaten the  Maricopa County sheriff?      — Is it really true or someone seeking publicity?

2.  The Soviet Union collapsed under economic pressure…  Cuba, too?    – Things seem to be changing a bit…

3.  A presidential pardon too poliically hot, so a “backdoor amnesty”?   — will it work?

4.  Obama not of Teflon but of Velcro?       —   Let’s  see how it plays out.

5.  Even the New York Times suggests the government stimulus was not one    —  and what else?

6.  Mexico and others gain UNESCO World Heritage status       —  some good news for Mexico.  The common folk deserve it…

7.  Drug cartels create problems — stop the madness, better to get off, but Americans keep buying…

 8. Where does the Gulf oil spill debris go?     —  into regular landfills in municipalities, its seems…

9.  Did Bill Clinton’s daughter marry?   — you mean you were not invited?

10.  Miller,dead at 99    — does anyone remember?

U.S. Officials: “War goals modest in Afghanistan”


However difficult it might be to contemplate, if anyone doubted it when more than one said it, here it is again, with saddened heart: because its foreign policy is and has been in disarray, the Obama Administration will likely lose the war in Afghanistan but declare victory — and those under its spell will march in parades to celebrate… 

Shameful… Many young and older men and women in the service of the country have been misled by these politicians, and the military men and women, and the nation, suffer the effects …

“It all seems to be a shell game being played on mostly unsuspecting decent citizens, and is another indication of why politicians are overall not trusted…   Again, the November elections will tell if the citizenry is paying attention and if they will be able to figure out under which shell the nut is, or if the nut isn’t under any shell — or, if everyone is being played for a nut…”

Please note: attempts are being made to ascertain whether the site has been compromised and if it has to secure it

Person(s) of the Week



1.  The American combat militaryman/woman:  it has been written here and elsewhere that the nation’s voluntary military is stretched too thin fulfilling the missions with which it is burdened across the globe, and consequently is suffering from things such as never-ending  actual combat, from post combat stresses, from too many rotations and too many separations from family…  They deserve not only salutes from everyone, but from politicians they deserve sound and logical military policies — which they are not getting…

 2.  [Photo below from Huffington Post, Charlie Rangel]

 Charlie Rangel Punishment

Congressman Charlie Rangel:  A good example of what not to be as a people’s representative, and even a better example of why term limits are needed in Washington D.C., — he seems to be but one of several at the tip of the iceberg of incompetent, selfish and corrupt elected officials.

A fairly administered Military Draft would be an Asset

[The post below that appeared on this page on March 27, 2010,  is repeated because of the ongoing and current discussions here and elsewhere about the ramifications of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars.]

Photo from Minnesota PR News:  Larger view

Currently The United States of America has a volunteer army, meaning military service is not required of anyone in the country…  For various reasons, because no compulsory service is demanded, what has evolved is that the nation’s military is made up of significant numbers of military personnel coming from limited segments of our society — upon whose shoulders are placed the responsibility and  hardship of fulfilling America’s military roles…  And that does not seem fair…

Unfair not only to the men and women on active duty who suffer the hardships and separation of war , but also to their families and communities from whence they come.

A military draft, much more fairly administered than has been done historically, might  infuse the military with additional beneficial perspectives and skill sets, as well as make every community and segment of American society feel the pain whenever a   “hot war” is raging.

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news — Reverse migrations?: will the Border Patrol give them a boost up and back over? And more.



[Photo from Wikipedia] 

1.   From Laredo, Texas, the Zetas are not in control — but the drug cartels ARE quite active on both sides of the border.

2.  Power of the drug cartels vs. the free press? — the bullets are mightier  than the pen?

3.  Chavez is actually changing or just wanted the reward? 

We’ll see…. 4.  Is there some reciprocity here? — U. S. assures Chavez no attack coming…

5.  If Paraguayan poor can do it, it could be done here? — show some American ingenuity…

6.  Good that Peru is fighting the drug problem — but why not buy American?

7.  Look out, maybe there will be some reverse migration — but what will be done about climbing the fence back?  Will the Border Patrol give them a boost up?

8.  Russian are selling and selling — I wonder if America is even making cold calls?

9.  How about some hard facts!  

10.  Or so they say.

Please note: PanAm is changing the days he posts

Because new personal, family and business demands on his time have increased, beginning this week PanAm will be changing the days he posts to Tuesdays and Fridays…

On Saturdays, the Person of the Week segment will continue…  Will be checking the boards on other days as time permits…  Thank you.

Persons of the Week: citizens of Bell, California // tax dodging U.S. Senator John Kerry

[Photo from A.P. and Yahoo News.]

A resident of Bell, Calif,. holds up a placard calling for the ouster of city officials during a special city council meeting, Thursday, July 22, 2010 

1. Citizens of  Bell, California:  who finally rebelled to force out 3 of their highly  overpaid public servants — yearly, the City manager was getting paid almost $800,000, the assistant City Manager almost $400,000 and the Police Chief almost $500, 000 (yes, that’s right)…  [The nucleus of the City Council  were being paid about $100,000 a year, individually!: their fate is still in limbo…]  Bell is a struggling bluecollar predominantly Latino community of about 40,000 in the vicinity of Los Angeles…

Maybe a little belatedly the Tea Party sentiment has arrived in Bell, but arrived nonetheless…   Power to the People… 

2. U.S. Sen. John Kerry (Mass.):  avoids paying taxes on luxury boat — he who as a senator seems to love making others pay taxes, reportedly bought a 76 foot sloop at a price of about $7,000,000, but to avoid his home state’s higher tax rates, he will dock it in Rhode Island where the taxes are much lower…  Pay up, senator!

Lev Davidovich Bronstein, aka Leon Trotsky, dead in Mexico in 1940

[Photo from Wikipedia]

Leon Trotsky was killed in a suburb of Mexico City, Mexico in 1940… He was Jewish, born Lev Davidovich Bronstein in 1879, in the Ukraine part of then Russia…

 Along with Vladimir Lenin, he had been one of the original leaders of the “Communist Movement” in Russia…  Eventually there was a dispute over the direction the political movement would take and he was exiled from Russia by strongman Joseph Stalin, who had assumed the leadership party position after Lenin died…

Trotsky settled in Mexico because in the lead-up to the Mexican Revolution of 1910 and after, Mexico was a hotbed of Marxist ideology and communist underground activity, and there he continued espousing his particular views of communism and his disagreement with the Bolshevik Russians… He might have felt safe there across the Atlantic, in a country then with a significant politically and economically influential Jewish community…

 But one Ramon Mercader, an agent for the Russian communists, in August of 1940 visited Trotsky under the guise of being a loyal supporter and without warning, with a small mountaineer’s pick ax inflicted mortal wounds on his target…   

On this page in the past there have been posts about the Russians currently being quite active in Central and South America, selling military arms and establishing political, economic and military cooperative agreements with various leftist leaders of these regions, with little or no apparent push-back from the United States of America…

 The Russian interest in the “New World”, from Alaska to Latin America, has been one of long standing…

Potpourri Pan America: Headline News — Give the Heisman belately to Vince/rich Mexicans there and here,… plus…

[Texas Longhorn Vince Young scoring against USC at the Rose Bowl to win the BCS National Championship: Mark J. Rebilas photo.]    Young


1.  Vince Young deserved it then, and deserves it now — yes, I’m an ol’ Longhorn fan, Hook ’em… 

2.  Anyone think it’s racism driving things? 

3.  Cyrano’s Viewpoint:  He took the time to write.

4.  Rich Mexicans in……in, America! — surprised?

4.  Car bombs in Afghanistan, and on the Texas-Mexico border!   —  Help, send the Special Ops boys

5.  Other nations in Latin American join the U.S.A. in suing Arizona!:   you kiddin’?

Mexico avoids a revolution at one end, but at the other its institutions and America’s social order suffer

[Carlos Slim is one who recently has become more humanitarian, but as a whole the Mexican elite are not a humanitarian lot.]

Carlos Slim Helu

*  Mexico exports  people north and keeps the powder keg from exploding into a full-blown revolution against its rich ruling class [similar conditions still exist in 2010]  and against its traditionally inept and corrupt government — altho’ Calderon is trying to make improvements more than its other recent presidents have.

**  The Mexican drug cartels  export their products north,  Americans keep buying them and local governments here make it easier for cartels to “grow  ” their business by encouraging their use when they pass lenient anti-drug laws,  or weaken them.    [Photo from ABC.]  

 Soldiers guard a crime scene in Ciudad Juarez   

Just sayin’…

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news –car bombs getting closer? And more…


[Photo from Yahoo News]  It’s not “purty”, but it’s a border fence:  US troops to deploy on Mexico border in August

1.  Even Argentina seems to care:  the cavalry to the rescue in Arizona — not really but, all right.

2.  Car bombs in Afghanistan, and on the Texas-Mexico border!    — oops!

3.  Other nations in Latin American join the U.S.A. in suing Arizona!:   say what???

4.   Even in Bolivia the story about the super secret anti terrorism program in the U.S.A.  — is big news…  Maybe it’s because they have a vested interest?

5.  Argentina even approves same-sex marriages  — and it’s a Catholic country — well, overall, its people are…  You know what I mean…

6.  American policy in Afghanistan is in turmoil, but do any likely voters care?   — we shall see in November…

7.   Chavez in Venezuela has tried to stamp out Capitalism :  — but it’s still selling…

8.  Endangered animals   — some are trying to help.

9.  Racism or not?  Department of Agriculture employee resigns (Video).  

10.  A bit of Texas-Mexico border data — Presidio, Texas

Afghanistan: Tick Tock, Tick Tock, State Department leadership has been lacking

 Photo from State Department:                  Date: 2009-01-13 00:00:00.0 Description: Hillary Rodham Clinton testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to be Secretary of State. State Dept Photo

As has been mentioned by a few major news outlets and countless internet pages, including this one, it appears the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have been mishandled by this Administration and the country in general has been set adrift by the actions of the president that foster divisions….

 Hopefully, Secretary of State Clinton  can begin to help bring about a more coordinated effort within the civilian aspect of the operation in the two countries because unless that is done, regardless of how effective the military effort is, the overall mission will fail…  It is a tall order at this late date because up to now the Secretary has been missing in action, while too many civilian czars and egos of this and that kind have been cluttering up effective interagency cooperation in those operations…

Having set deadlines at which point military withdrawals would begin on its face seemed to have been a bad decision that raised the morale of the opposition and gave them the luxury of planning for the exit of American troops…  Regardless of what is said now or if at the last-minute the dates for withdrawal might be pushed back, the damage has been done and the wars might be lost because of the poor judgment exercised at the White House… 

That would be a tragedy…

Person of the Week: Roman Polanski


[photo from Wikipedia, 2005]   

Proof that if a person has enough money and clout in certain circles, can buy a victim’s loyalty and outrun the law long enough,  there will be some in the system who will find a way to let him skate away

An example like this just makes it a lot more difficult to explain justice to people in general and to those with little or no money who rot in jail for lesser crimes.

Obama will declare: Victory in Afghanistan on a timetable, or it’s Bush’s fault?

Considering the reported ongoing difficulties there, it seems from this vantage point that before too long President Obama is going to declare victory in Afghanistan, maybe sometime between the November Elections and next summer, when the first troops are scheduled to begin withdrawing from the country…

He is in a quandary, though, because he does not want the stigma of being the U.S. President who lost the Afghan War…  But when he initially set a deadline as to when to begin pulling troops out, and at the same time decided to go small in the deployment of needed troops while expanding the role of the military mission, he seemingly erred in a grand way, and that decision is squarely on his shoulders…

Given that the president has a tendency to avoid accepting responsibility, a long tendency to blame the previous administration for everything, it would be no surprise if his advisors have been at work from day one of his presidency drafting arguments on how best to blame President Bush for the Afghanistan failures of the Obama Administration…

Just sayin’…

[A humorously insightful read about President Obama failing to accept responsibility is the July 15, 2010, One Man’s Thoughts blog, by Chuck Green.  A sample: “Obama Is The Victim of Bush’s Failed Promises” — …”Yes, it’s all George Bush’s fault.  President Obama is nothing more than a puppet in the never-ending,  failed Bush administration.”…  And other more specific zingers… Thank you, “One Man…”: Chuck.]

Headline News — There’s disorder all around, Mr. President, where does the buck stop?

PONDER THIS:          

1.  “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam?” — John Kerry said way back when.        

2.  “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Afghanistan, Sen. Kerry?:    — Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Sen. John Kerry  needs to answer that question given that he seems to have doubts about President Obama’s conduct of the war over there, a war his party seems to have mishandled —  while precious American blood and treasure  wastes…

Is he helping set up a trial-balloon exit strategy so that regardless of the circumstances on the ground victory can be declared in Afghanistan?   

3.  Illegal Immigration has fallen mainly because the economy has fallen, here — not because of extraordinary efforts by the administration to seal the border?

4.  The coalition that elected the president and the Congressional majority is falling apart? — so the push to stir up the voting blocs is intensified (such as within the NAACP and among other  groups), all geared to keeping political power in November?

5.  Courtland Milloy, Washington Post: “…If white people didn’t insist on being white, there would be no such thing as race.”…  

Huh?!  Interesting viewpoint, but “coo coo” thinking (see also “Coo Coo…” post, June 30, 2010, this page)…  Just another effort by some in the press to bring about divisions among people, for political expediency leading up to November?

6.  Europe is upset with the Obama Administration?  / Tax funded abortions on the way? / Poll numbers down? / stimulus money for double agent? /and more problems coming?

NAACP makes racism accusations seeking political advantage?

NAACP Black Americans make racism accusations for political benefit ?

Yes, the ugly image of racism seems to be alive and well in America — among some of the members of the NAACP at its convention

People who will do anything to try to keep political power are not necessarily White nor Black nor Chartreuse…  But by their discussions, comments and actions, a significant number of NAACP members seemingly wish figuratively to destroy members of other political groups by labeling them with a not politically correct term. 

Black politicians currently are enjoying great political success, but in the long run they run the risk of ruining things for themselves (and further eroding support for all politicians) by lowering political discussion to the level of street corner name-calling), so as to stifle dissenting views — if someone disagrees with their views, they are called racists, and claim that non Blacks call them the N word and spit on them…

Some Black and non Black politicians and educators even have stated that only Whites can be racists (that it is impossible for Blacks to be) – in that way at times scaring non Blacks from expressing legitimate concerns about the president’s politics, for example, lest they be labeled racists…  

By defining racism in terms that pointedly states that Black people cannot be racists, then relying on the created definition, certain Black people seem to feel free to act in racist manners while pointing at the definition to exclude themselves from the racist charge!…  How ingenious… 

Preposterous…  Calculating…  Scary…  Nearly unbelievable… 

President Obama and the NAACP ought to apologize to the American people for the divisiveness of the racism charade…  Whatever happened to “change we can believe in”?…

Change IS alive and well in America, though, but the racist charges at the NAACP is  not the kind of change all of those who voted for the president expected…

[Tea Party representatives condemn bigoted statements of the NAACP]

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news — the racial and ethnic voting blocs for November are stirred up, and more


1.  Quotas – gender and race in financial bill…  It’s all about racial/ethnic/gender politics for November?

2.  Michelle marches to the White House bloc voting political tune      —  get the Black vote in November, she says!  [First Lady in a past visit to Kenya.]

Obamas in Kenya

3.  .  Stossel, redone: on Breitbart — previously covered a similar topic on this page on June 30, 2010: “Coo coo” thinking, but many don’t notice?.

4.  Healthcare — July 12, 2010, Rasmussen Poll: 53% favor repeal of the Law…

5.  American people lack confidence on Obama — so stir up the Black and Latino communities for November is a goal of the White House…

Attorney-General Holder

Person of the Week:

AG Holder —  for ordering a review of the “BART shooting” episode in California  — and in that way continuing with seemingly politically motivated legal federal actions, with an eye toward the November elections?…

[Will be traveling on Sunday and Monday, unable to post on those days.]

Michael Steele and Obama’s War in Afghanistan

Michael Steele is the Committee Chairman of the Republican Party and likely will remain in the position until after the November elections because it would be detrimental to his Party’s chances in November if he were to be pushed out… [Note: this post is not an attempt at being an apologist for Mr. Steele]… 

A gaffe attributed to him was supposedly that the war in Afghanistan was Obama’s War and that it could not be won, or something to that effect…  (Ann Coulter wrote a column about the issue, and others, including nicedeb, have commented on the matter  — both links found on this page.).

The distinction the Chairman possibly was trying to make was that prior to Obama’s election, with relatively minimal American forces, the goal of the U.S.A. in Afghanistan apparently was simply (if it can be called simply) the following:

1. topple the Taliban from power — done.

2.  install a new government — done.

3.  secure the area in Kabul, without diluting the allied forces by trying to clear and control larger geographical areas — a work in progress.

4. continue to seek and destroy the Al Qaeda and Taliban leadership elements, and coordinate efforts with Pakistan — done, but a continuing work in progress. 

5.  train Afghan military and police forces to bring safety and security to Kabul, and gradually have Afghan forces expand further and further out, in concentric circles of control around Kabul and the countryside, gradually increasing the central   government’s influence — a work in progress.    image\CONCENT.gif

6.  work with the Afghanis to eradicate the drug agriculture — a work in progress…..

But, when President Obama was elected, he supposedly chose to make it a larger war, costing more “blood and treasure” and making it a war of nation building, with America’s  armed forces and citizenry shouldering most of the pain and hardship –meanwhile, in patchwork fashion, he inserted additional handicaps, for example, saying the new expanded mission was to be completed on a shortened timetable, with fewer troops than requested… 

That was the argument Michael Steele seemingly was trying to make

Because one or more in the Republican audience where Mr. Steele spoke do not seem to support him, a tape of his presentation became disseminated and a bit distorted and so the Republican Party is where it is, though there is some validity to his supposed argument… 

Regardless, at his stage, if he is removed or forced to resign, the attacks from the opposition will be that he was removed because he is Black, and that would not be beneficial to the Republican Party…

[Will be on flying out for an extended weekend trip but will be checking in.]

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news – Elian Gonzalez, the Mexica Movement, Oliver Stone, Obama, Chavez and more


1.  The previous administration would be under attack   —  however advisable the program might have been, if it had instituted this.

 2.  The bear is still roaming  — looking for weaknesses, like in the Cold War, but the button has been reset, no?

 3.  Obama pledged a new relationship with Venezuela  — but has gotten little in return?   Oliver Stone gets into the act.

 4.  A different perspective, quite.   – Nican Tlaca: something to interpret and evaluate. Different/ be ready…

5.  Remembering:   Elian Gonzales –  Who is he and where is he now?

Politicizing American institutions to suit idealogue Obama’s views?

 [Logo creation from: TheSnakeontheflag.blogspot via Michelle Malkin blog]

Yesterday it became widely disseminated that the head of the  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Charles Bolden, was spreading the word to the Muslim World that under President Obama’s direction, his “… foremost’ mission as the head of America’s space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.” – foremost-job-of-the-space-agency?

Even the nation’s space program does not seem to be immune to President Obama’s efforts at politicizing all segments of the government…  Previously on this page it has been suggested that Obama does not seem to understand(?) what America is and is not, and this NASA story is another example of why that suggestion has merit….. 

Shortly after the president took office, he made various overtures to the Muslim World, and in doing that he made it clear that he thought the U.S.A. had a history of continually wronging them, and additionally mentioned that this nation had undermined the government of Iran in the past –  in various way he has apologized and bowed to different leaders of different countries…

He also has tried to debase the concept of American Exceptionalism by claiming that America is not so because believing in exceptionalism makes America intolerant of others!  Even if President Obama does not see America as being exceptional, most people in this country and across the globe believe in its special place among nations — in times of need the U.S.A. continually is at the forefront of helping others around the world, and, there is no country in the World to whom continually more people of the world are drawn, than The United States of America: that in itself means something about Exceptionalism – but whether exceptional or not, it ought not be up to the elected leader of the nation to try to tear down the American concept of pride in one’s country…

President Obama seemingly has used Admiral Mullen as a political operative by approving/encouraging him to point out that the nation’s high deficit is a threat to national security, insinuating that taxes must be increased to protect our security…  But President Obama himself has been the cause of trillions of dollars being added to the debt by passing things such as the monstrous healthcare law…  Now he politicizes the military by having Mullen suggest raising taxes as a security measure!

 The list could be endless of examples of how agencies have been politicized, among them:

  1. Directing the Justice Department to drop the suit against the New Black Panthers who intimidated voters, and suing the state of Arizona – quite obviously done for political considerations geared to the November elections ( Secretary of State Clinton had made the announcement in Ecuador awhile back).
  2. Around the time Admiral Mullen spoke about the national debt being a security issue, special assistant Volcker made a similar claim, not coincidentally…
  3. Labor Secretary Solis also promised to help illegal workers get fair pay for their work (work they ought not be doing here.) – attempting to keep the Latino vote in November?.
  4. And more…

There are some who are too busy or too uncaring or too enamored of the president and his philosophy of government to see that President Obama seems to be going far beyond what most elected him to do…  Aside from that, some who still hate the former president intensely, will not question anything, believing that so long as Bush is not in office, anything goes and is all right… 

Short sightedness…

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news — Checks and balances needed here, and instability to the south


1.  Obama vs Supreme Court   — Checks and Balances needed more than ever because Congress is controlled by the executive Branch?  (Photo from Wikipedia)

2.  Violence next door    —  Mexican institutions threatened by drug cartels.         

3.  Venezuela   — continuing to stir up trouble against the United States? Story:  Venezuela, Chile to head new Latin American bloc…   (Minus  Canada and the U.S.A.)  

4.   Brazil also under attack   — a major country in South America and the world is also under attack by drug cartels?          


July 4, 1776

American Memory: Library of Congress — found at this link (link included also in the Education page of Pan American World) is information about America’s Independence Day, as well as countless other links pertaining to the nation’s history.

Yesterday went to an Independence Day celebration, and fireworks and music show, in a high school football stadium, still with an  old-time feeling…  The turnout was amazing…

Also, when the announcer asked that members in the audience of each of the branches of the armed service please stand for recognition, it was surprising how relatively few veterans apparently there are nowadays. — and the younger ones of course are in training or overseas…  As mentioned in this page awhile back, too, from personal observation,  membership in veterans’ organizations seems to be dwindling, for various reasons…

Person of the Week: Michael Steele

Person of the Week:

Michael Steele — Republican Party Committee Chairperson.

In describing the Afghanistan War as a mistaken “…War of Obama’s choosing…”, Chairman   Steele commits another mistake that can be harmful to his party and beneficial to the opposition…  This episode is not the first instance where he has said or done something that undermines the positions of the elected officials of his party, and for that, he is selected as the person of the week — his actions can have a profound positive or negative effect on his party’s chances in the Fall elections, and it remains to be seen what will result from his words.

Could be that the Republican Party will shoot itself in the collective foot on account of the party chairman’s miscues, thereby blowing a good opportunity to make gains in November…

What he intended to say, probably, is that Obama is mishandling the conduct of the war…  Also, he and everybody ought to be aware that whether speaking before a “friendly” private crowd or not, people need to be prepared to be “taped”…

President Obama’s “illegal immigration” speech was a disappointment overall?

Yesterday, President Obama gave a speech generally having to do with immigration…  It was much to do about nothing new…  It seemed as though he simply wanted to convince the Hispanic Caucus and some Latino activists that he was thinking of them so that in general they would work more to keep the Latino community working for him and his Party during the November Elections. 

But a presidential speech such as this one probably was expected by the target audience  members not simply as one to make them feel good,… which overall that speech did not even do…  What the target community expected to hear was that the president was going to push hard to have an immigration bill passed before the end of the year.  He did not say that, and thus he did not achieve his goal, it seems, of stirring the Latinos to action on his behalf and his Party’s.

Additionally, the presentation the president made seemed as though it had been cobbled together for the purpose, mainly, of giving a pep talk to Latinos so that they would believe he was working on their behalf and thus they would stay in his corner…  They were probably looking for a lot more, and so the effort fell short…

It appears from this end that the Latinos who last voted for President Obama, those  whom he was trying to reach in the community, are not going to be energized by this speech, and the Latinos who have not been in his corner, probably will be energized against him — so the speech was counterproductive…

Redux: Liberals rejoice!… President will most likely get re-elected in 2012… But,…

[The Obama Administration is angling to keep the Latino vote in the President’s corner for the November Elections so as to counterbalance losing the Independents: no one ought to be surprised about what gamesmanship might be employed to that end…  A post appeared on this page in April assessing the president’s chances for re-election, and now because of rumors about the president wanting to take some steps soon (maybe today) to help keep the Latinos in his corner, the April 10 post is repeated here…  Potpourri Pan America is supplanted, today]

Conservatives will not like this assessment and liberals will love it, somewhat – but whether one side or the other favors it or not,… at this juncture, early as it is, it seems President Obama will get re-elected in 2012.  Why?…  Because of the solid voting blocs he has in his back pocket:

1. the Black community will vote for him almost 100 percent, as it did in 2008, and that solid swing vote segment will swing the election to him.  Black pride will continue to prevail.

2.  the latino community could likely vote for him in significant numbers, as it did in 2008…  After seeing that a Black American can be elected president utilizing particular swing voting segments of society, hispanic/latino strategists are surely working out details of how in the future a latino could be elected president with the solid voting support of the Black American community…  The election of a Black American president in 2008 undoubtedly gives hope to the Hispanic/Latino community that through changing demographics and voting coalitions, one of theirs also can be elected.

3.  the portion of white liberals who still feel the weight of “the white man’s burden” will continue to vote for him in overwhelming numbers.

4.  a sizable percentage of disenchanted and alienated white females who blame a  significant number of the problems of the world and nation on the white male, once again will vote a second term for President Obama, and…. 

5.  those who simply believe intellectually that the president would or would not be the best choice for president, could evenly split their votes between the Democrat and Republican candidates, but because of the previously listed reasons, the decision would still go to the president…

In this assessment, the economy has not been totally weighed because it is still in flux.  And because even if it improves to a large degree (which historically it ought to do), or if it remains sluggish, the voting segments highlighted above probably will not be swayed too far afield to have a bearing on the election — if it improves, President Obama gets the credit…  If it remains problematic, the previous administration will get the blame…

As for the national elections of 2010, the results might have an effect on President Obama’s re-election fortunes in 2012, but it is important to note that even if his party loses big time in November, he could still win his re-election bid in 2012.

“Coo coo” thinking, but many don’t notice?

John Stossel is a good guy, overall, it seems, generally thoughtful, apparently…  But yesterday evening he seemed to say that if the U.S. government stopped spending money on border security issues, and simply increased the yearly number of legally permissable immigrants who want to enter the United States, there would be no illegal immigration problems…  Huh?… 

Further, that if cocaine, methamphetamines and marijuana were legalized in this country, there would be no drug problems in America from imported drugs… And, that then, the government could concentrate on spending its money rehabilitating the addicted… Huh? Huh?… 

Homeland Secretary Napolitano has indicated that because the border between the U.S and Mexico extends for 1,600 miles, and in many places is in desolate places, it is impossible to secure every mile of it, so that it will remain porous, at best… 

On another side of the world, the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan is approximately 1,610 miles long over some quite inhospitable terrain, but, a major part of the Obama Administration’s policy in that portion of the world seems to be to press the Pakistanis to seal the border between them and Afghanistan, thereby preventing Al Qaeda and the Taliban from encroaching from that side into Afghanistan  and causing chaos…  Huh?…

Map of Afghanistan, Asian Countries

There appears to  be a disconnect from reality by some public figures and decision makers…  To eliminate all illegal immigration, let them all legally in, creating an Open Border for the whole world to enter!… To win the war on drugs, legalize drugs and declare victory!…  Don’t secure the border with Mexico because supposedly it is  impossible to do so, but insist Pakistan secure its border with Afghanistan because doing that is not impossible!… Huh? Huh?  Huh?…

Unilaterally, pass a monstrous healthcare law that greatly increases the deficit, then lament and press that America must pull together to raise taxes to cut the horrendous deficit that just seems to have arisen!

Hopefully, what next will NOT follow is that regardless of the situation on the ground, the Obama Administration will simply declare victory in Afghanistan, pat itself on the back and come home victorious?…  That would be “coo coo” thinking personified…

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news – Russian spies arrested while America resets the button… Drug cartels kill and Governor Brewer calls out Pres. Obama… And more.


1.  Say it ain’t so — didn’t Pres. Obama say during his administration that Russia – U.S.A. relations had “reset”? — “Shocking”: wasn’t Russian Pres. Medvedev just here making nice and saying the same thing?   

2.  “Friend and partner” Russian leader has pulled the wool over Pres. Obama’s eyes? — maybe the U.S.A. has “reset” the button, but the Bear hasn’t…. Stay awake, people…

3.  Leading candidate slain by drug cartels — the drugs cartels are coming, the drug cartels are coming…  Or they are here already?        

4.  Street drugs destroy minority families, and NAACP wants marijuana legalized — where’s the sound logic? 

5.  Arizona Governor Brewer call out Pres. Obama — parts of America “occupied” by drug cartels? (Video) — the lady has gumption?…       

6.  Not all voting Latinos want Open Borders: will the Democrats be surprised? — can you see them?

I’m just the masseuse, Mr. Gore

There have been reports that Al Gore, of political fame, possibly acted in an illegal manner with a masseuse in a hotel room in Portland, Oregon some years back…  What follows is a feeble attempt at creating a fictitious account of how part of the encounter might have been…  Pan Am would like to make it clear that Mr. Gore is innocent until, if and when, proven guilty in a court of law… [M: (Masseuse) / Al: (Al Gore)] Photo from Reuters:


M:  Hello, I’m the masseuse.                          

Al:  You speak French…  I like how the sounds roll off your lips.

M:  Where shall I set up my stuff?

Al:  Would you like a drink?

M:  No, thank you.  Shall I put my stuff over here?

Al:  (Chewing excitedly) Would you like a stick of gum, it’s sugar free.

M:  No, Thank you.  I’m ready to start.

Al:  You know, my wife Tipper doesn’t understand me.  She won’t find out, will she?

M:. Find out what?

 Al:  You know, this?

M:  This?

Al:  Yes, this.

M:  This what?

Al:  (Whispering) This

M:  (Rolling her eyes) You want the general treatment?

Al:  Like Around-the-World?

M:  Around what?

Al:  The world…  (adding in a deeper and even haughtier tone) You know, when you think about it, it actually fits quite nicely because I’m saving the world…

M:  Mr Gore, I’m the masseuse.

Al:  I’m saving the world.

M:  Thank you.  I’m the masseuse.

Al:  Yes, yes (wink, wink), the masseuse… Want some chocolate?

M:  I’m the masseuse, Mr. Gore.

Al:  I’m always nervous on the first date.  (Al looking like a “crazed sex poodle”.)

M:  The first date?  I’m the masseuse.

Al:   “’Masseuse’ this “(pointing and grinning broadly, obviously thrilled with his very own howbrow wittiness.).

M:  Mr. Gore!

Al:  Can you work on my lock box?

M:  Lock, what?

Al:  Box.

M:  I’m the masseuse.

Al.  I’m ready.

M: Let’s get started.

Al:  Let’s! (grinning, and still thrilled with his sharp repartee).

M:  Here we go.

Al:  Here I come…  (giggling devilishly and adding) Is that “an inconvenient truth”?

M:  Mr. Gore!

Al:  Please don’t hurt me…  I’m green, you know, are you?

 M:  I’m just the masseuse, Mr. Gore…..

Maybe nothing will come of this report about another of our crack public elites supposedly behaving-badly.  Then again, maybe something will, considering the dust-up the John Edwards episode created…  Politicians, role models for America…  Not… 

Just sayin’.

Person of the Week: General Stan McChrystal

President Obama, General McChrystal and Ambassador Eikenberry, 2009 at the White House:

 For all his years of honorable service to the nation the general was selected this week, and he was also picked of course because he is the important person who lost his crucial job after an article appeared in Rolling Stones magazine, about which most know… 

But, more than just for that, and much more importantly, the selection was made: because the whole episode of which he is a major figure draws attention to the seemingly haphazard working structure in place in Afghanistan,  within which U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Eikenberry, General McChrystal and Special Envoy to Afghanistan/Pakistan Richard Holbrooke are forced to operate… 

A haphazard system imposed on these people by faraway politicians and politico-military brass in Washington D.C.

Presidential Pardons for illegal immigrants, or bluffs?

Amnesty for illegal immigrants through presidential Executive Order?   — or via other means?…  There has been much talk (since prior to and following Arizona’s passage of the illegal immigration law) about insisting strenuously that the federal government secure the international border with Mexico because of continuing problems caused by drug cartel operations-illegal immigration-human trafficking organizations…  And some, (such as Senator    Kyl of Arizona) seem to suggest the Obama Administration is holding the border issue hostage and will not secure it unless border security is done as one segment of a comprehensive immigration law – which would include, for example, amnesty and a guest worker program…

Additionally, Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano recently seemed to complain, in her remarks before the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) that those who want border security are unreasonable because “… the word secure really becomes, effectively, ‘seal’ the border,…”  In other words, she indicated that people want the border sealed, and that either she is against that or that it can’t be done…      (Photo from    

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano speaks during a luncheon to the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials in Denver on Thursday, June 24, 2010. The NALEO conference is the largest gathering of Latino elected and appointed officials in the United States.

Thus, because in a continuously contentious pre November Election mode in which Congress finds itself it appears no action will be taken to consider an immigration bill, there have been rumors  that the president (to satisfy Latino elected officials and the Latino voting bloc he would like to maintain in his corner) has been advised to take extra ordinary measures…

  • PARDONS The right of the President of the Unites States of America to pardon people under rights given as part of Article II, Section 2 of the U. S. Constitution:  “…he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.”…
  • Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation — from paragraph 2 of the proclamation: “That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”…

A couple of rumors has it that the president has been advised by  some to explore using the PARDONS clause of the U.S. Constitution to pardon those who are here illegally, or to possibly use a Presidential Proclamation to achieve a similar result…  Are these actions possible or actually being considered, of course that is not known here, but as indicated in the first-sentence link of this post ( Amnesty for illegal immigrants through presidential Executive Order?  ), some senators seem to take the rumor(s) seriously…

Stay tuned.

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news — Obama to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants?/Afghan withdrawal deadline: are Americans dying in vain? And more


1.  Musical chairs with generals in Afghanistan, but the troop withdrawal deadline is still in place — good speech by Pres. Obama,but civilian component of strategy needs attention, and are Americans dying  in vain?       [Map from]    

Map of Afghanistan, Asian Countries

2.   Amnesty for illlegal immigrants through presidential Executive Order?     — Pres.  Obama needs the Latino votes in November: will he stop at nothing to appease the Latino organizations to give them what they want?    

3.  Bolivia: Pres. Evo Morales continues  at work against the U.S.A.    — Pres. Morales still undermining American interests in South America: wants to kick the USAID out of Bolivia.          

 4.  CNN: Drug cartels threaten police officers in Nogales, Arizona  /  Video news report: drug cartels threaten police officers in Arizona  — Will Pres. Obama secure the border and keep Americans safe?                      

 6.   Hurricane season arrives in the Gulf of Mexico?  — and the Gulf leak still going…

7.    Obama Administration hostile to business    — Business Round Table thinks so…

8.  U.S.A.!  U.S.A.!  U.S.A.! — In South Africa, World Cup play, the United States team advances in dramatic fashion!

Make a decision, Mr. President, don’t simply vote present

Political through and through, and indecisive deep inside, essentially is how President Obama can be described.  Nonetheless, those descriptors have gotten him this far, and now have gotten him to today’s meeting with General McChrystal…  [Photo from NY Daily News]

 A profile of Gen. Stanley McChrystal in Rolling Stone was titled 'The Runaway General.'

As a state senator in Illinois, rather than take a stand on controversial issues, he often simply voted present when he ought to have pressed the red or green buttons… However indecisive the president might have seemed, that manuever helped propel him to his current position…

More specific examples could be given of actions or inactions that have led to today’s scheduled meeting, having to do generally with his overall muddled dealings with international matters, mismanaging the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and his seemingly politically driven military policy for Afghanistan and Iraq… 

Nevertheless, though General McChrystal has been a tireless patriot in the service of his country, and President Obama might already have lost the war in Afghanistan (and possibly in Iraq) by setting arbitrary, publicized deadlines for troop withdrawals, he can and needs to be dramatically decisive with General McChrystal — for civilian discipline sake and to recapture a bit of respect before the world.

The President has micromanaged the War in Afghanistan to the detriment of the nation and the military

Politicians micromanaging military operations, withdrawal deadlines and using the military as props for political campaigns — President Obama lost the War in Afghanistan when he set artificial timetables, micro managed the war by political committee, failed to understand that like it or not, Hamid Karzai is the President of Afghanistan (not his staff person), and when he failed to learn the failures of President Johnson in Vietnam …

Obviously, too, there are too many politicians in Congress and in the White House directing the war over there from P.R. “sound bites” and podiums over here, as well as too many politico-military brass in Washington surrounding the President, telling him what he wants to hear..

Having said that, if he is worth his salt, he will fire General McChrystal — and, altho’ from this end hope is that failure is not inevitable, it seems the President has lost Afghanistan, and Iraq is not yet a sure/success thing…. 

Men and women died…

Potpourri Pan America: Headline news — re Has President Obama understood and “bonded” with America? And more…


1.  Slippery slope to tyranny? — Thomas Sowell of Investor Business Daily says: … “In our times, American democracy is being dismantled, piece by piece, before our very eyes by the current administration in Washington, and few people seem to be concerned about it”…  Is anyone else noticing? [Photo from]


2.  Ecuadorian illegal immigrants in U.S.A. get a  “headsup” ?– While in Ecuador, Secretary of State Clinton seemingly gave Ecuadorians advance notice that the Justice Department will sue Arizona over its law against illegal immigrants that is intended to complement U.S. law…  Is anyone else noticing?

3.   Jimmy Carter returns as Obama?     — Overseas some are noting…  Is anyone else noticing?

4.   Senator   — Senator Kyl relates that apparently the current administration will not secure the American borders until a comprehensive illegal immigration bill is passed into law with amnesty, guest worker provisions and on and on?  Is anyone else noticing?

5.  U. S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, on the job, fighting for the rights of illegal immigrants in public service announcements — doesn’t she work for the American tax payer? Is anyone else noticing?

6.  Obama Administration undermines the military? — is anyone else noticing?

Hernán Cortés, La Malinche, and México’s Malinchísmo

Hernán Cortés and his conquistadors arrived in 1519 in what is now México. Shortly, circumstances transpired in which a young native girl by the Mexica name of Malintzin became his slave, and subsequently, also became his interpreter, advisor, confidante and mistress…  Because of her positions, she became a distinctive figure in the conquest of México – and for the roles she played along side Cortés, historically she has at times been reviled as a traitorous prostitute for helping the Spanish foreigners defeat the various indians of what later became known as México…  


 Nonetheless, others have viewed her as one in the peculiar role of the stereotypical woman in history (or in current day) who under trying conditions beyond her control, is thrust into difficult situations obviously not of her design, and makes the best of them…

 Soon after becoming a part of Hernán Cortés’ entourage, Malintzin was baptized with the name of Marina (Doña Marina) into Christianity and later bore him a son: Martín Cortés, the first off spring in the New World of Spanish caucasian and indian parents — or at least, the first mixed child historically noted…

 It was said that whether in formal or informal settings,  she was always at Cortés’ side — he wholeheartedly trusting her and she never betraying him…  So much was he dependent on her in official and unofficial matters, that in one interpretation she reportedly became known as La Malinche : a reference to being an advisor captain to Hernán Cortés

 But, along the way in Mexican history the original positive tone of the sobriquet developed into the term Malinchera, as well as Malinchismo  the first one specifically referring to Malintzin as a traitor, and the second one evolving from the first and generally referring to the nationalisitic view that if any citizens commingled with foreigners, they were traitors to their homeland…

 Still, though, as previously mentioned, a negative view of lady Doña Marina is not held by all…

Catastrophe in the Gulf: Person of the Week — Tony Hayward

PERSON OF THE WEEKTony Hayward…  As the public image of BP, he was and has been on the hot seat in more ways than one…  As to whether he is a villain or not, many have demonized him already…

[Photos from Wikipedia]


Rig on fire, leak 5,000 feet below:

                                Ocean on fire: 

 Creature from below:  File:BP oil spill still may 11 1240pm E.jpg

What happened to us?: 

                                          Tony Hayward testifies:  BP CEO Tony Hayward testifies about the BP oil ...

Vote the Rascals out, why don’t we!?

The House of Representatives’ Congressional Hearing yesterday with bigwig Tony Hayward of BP on the grill resulted in an embarrassing charade by seemingly cloned stooges attempting to flex their Lilliputian.P.R. muscles against a witness shackled to a witness chair—what a way to earn the peoples’ trust and vote!… Pathetic spectacle…  On the one hand hilarious because of the dunderhead antics of the crack committee members, and on the other utterly mystifyingly sorrowful that these chumps…are-the-best public servants America can muster?  [Photo from N.Y. Daily News]

 BP CEO Tony Hayward takes his seat on Capitol Hill in Washington.

No way is the intention here to give BP a pass on the  responsibility it has to make amends for the ecological and economic damages it has caused, but the way an intelligent, responsible, purposeful fact-gathering investigation hearing ought to be conducted was not what transpired…

 Currently, more than at other recent times, there are numerous organizations and individuals operating outside of usual political party apparatus, independents and various groups generally labeled with the umbrella term of Tea Party Movement – these people seem to be fed-up with the incompetence and sheer shenanigans  of certain politicians…  Let’s see if the political anger of these groups and individuals increases and/or is  maintained from now until November…

If after the elections the voters sustain the current political status quo in America, despite all of the problems and embarrassments particular politicians have brought to the traditional fabric of the nation, it will be obvious that the current political anger did not last.…

[Inspiration for post from Patrick Sperry, “The Angry Tea Party: that’s putting it mildly”]

Potpourri Pan America: headline news – dismantle BP for real and political reasons and what will follow? And more.


1.  Dismantle BP, and others will dismantle American companies  — it’s a catastrophic event but if BP is disabled for real and political reasons, just wait for an American multinational company getting in trouble in a country faraway: it will be dismantled for real and political reasons, too…  From The Telegraph:  (L-R) BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg, Chief Executive Tony Hayward, Managing Director Robert Dudley and BP America President Lamar McKay    

2.  Deadlines, deadlines in Afghanistan, and the enemy waits for them  — the enemy can count, too, and simply awaits the draw down?      

3.  Ecuador speaks up to USA as an equal  — well, even the smaller countries speak up…  It’s a different America.              

4.  Millionaire elected officials represent the downtrodden — but do they help them, or just become richer at the public trough?           

5.  Soccer teaser: South Africa   — Mexico has high hopes, and, just thinking, will soccer in the U.S.A. ever become a major sport?

If Arizona pushes to deny citizenship to American born children of “illegals”, the effort will likely fail

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;… ” So begins the 14th Amendment of The Constitution of the United States of America….

Now once more comes Arizona state senator Russell Pearce, who sponsored the SB 1070 Bill against illegal immigration that became law — which drew and continues to draw much national and international attention…   He wants to sponsor another bill, one that would deny citizenship to children born in the United States of illegal immigrants…  RUSSELL PEARCE:  Russell Pearce

Although the frustration apparently felt by Senator Pearce and his constituents (as well as by others across the land)… can be understood because of having to confront the problems of illegal immigration first hand, much thought ought to be given before taking such a drastic step that in all likelihood has nil chance of succeeding, and that surely will enable opponents to ridicule and demonize the good people of Arizona…

By passing SB 1070 into law Arizona took a leading role in working to secure the nation’s borders, but moving forward on the proposed new bill would make the state senator and his supporters (in the humble view of this writer) appear to be  extremist rubes who disregard and have  no appreciation of the U.S. Constitution, thereby losing the high ground…  

The senator has led the people of Arizona to victory in battle, but he need not lead them into a constitutional war that will likely lead to inglorious defeat…

[Regarding the president’s speech last night, it seemed to be more of the same, demonizing others, trying to use public relations ploys to avoid accepting responsibility for failures in leadership, and politicizing the issue, further.]